Tina Fontaine Part 2
Podcast |
Left Behind
Publisher |
Heather Marshall
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Society & Culture
True Crime
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Sep 17, 2018
Episode Duration |
Tina Fontaine was a 15 year old child that faced a great deal of heartache in her short life. Her mother was absent for most of her life. Her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer with months to live. However, her father was brutally murdered. She was unable to cope with her father’s death, and … Continue reading Tina Fontaine Part 2
Tina Fontaine was a 15 year old child that faced a great deal of heartache in her short life. Her mother was absent for most of her life. Her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer with months to live. However, her father was brutally murdered. She was unable to cope with her father’s death, and … Continue reading Tina Fontaine Part 2 →

Tina Fontaine was a 15 year old child that faced a great deal of heartache in her short life. Her mother was absent for most of her life. Her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer with months to live. However, her father was brutally murdered. She was unable to cope with her father’s death, and prepare a victim impact statement. Through this pain, she was surrounded by those that loved her.

When her body was found wrapped in a duvet, and plastic, her murder outraged the country. Her murder was the catalyst for the Inquiry for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The day of her disappearance she came into contact with multiple authorities, including 911 dispatchers, police, hospital staff, and social workers.

***This series was meant to be a three part series. The third part of the series was meant to discuss the aftermath of her murder, and the murder of her cousin. I have decided to put that on hold due to another murder in Tina’s family.***


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