@thecolesummers - Keeping Alive A Young Mans Dreams. #276
Publisher |
Daniel Prince
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Sep 01, 2022
Episode Duration |

BTC $ 19,800

Today's guest on the show is the father of @thecolesummers , a young man who captured the attention of many of us in the #bitcoin space.

For those unaware of the situation, Kevin (Cole Summers) tragically passed away in an accident a few months ago. Kevin's father tweeted this message on the 13th June.


Once you have listened to this episode you might be inspired to reach out to Kevin's father. You can DM him here @thecolesummers, or contact me directly.

If you would like to donate to the Go fundme page you can use this link - https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-kevin-coopers-family

Thank you to Billy, Kevin's father for taking the brave step to talk about this tragedy and to concentrate on Kevin's achievements and philosophy on life, you are both an inspiration to us all.


Pleb Service Announcement.

Liberty in Our Lifetime Conference is taking place in Prague from October 21-23.

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Code ‘Princey’ for a discount.

Thank you:

@coincorner @swanbitcoin @relai_ch @ShiftCryptoHQ @BTCreserveHQ @bitcoindayio for your trust and support.

You can also support the show by using the @Breez_Tech App and @fountain_app by searching for the Once BITten Podcast!

Support the pods via @fountain_app https://play.fountain.fm/show/2oJTnUm5VKs3xmSVdf5n

Shills and Mench’s:

SWAN BITCOIN www.swanbitcoin.com/bitten

RELAI www.relai.ch/bitten

SHIFTCRYPTO http://shiftcrypto.ch/bitten Code BITTEN

COINCORNER https://www.coincorner.com/social/princeySOV

BITCOIN RESERVE - www.bitcoinreserve.com/bitten

LIBERTY IN OUR LIFETIME CONFERENCE. Early bird tickets at www.lifetimeliberty.com Use code Princey for a discount and follow @LibertyIOL on Twitter

BITCOIN DAY CONFERENCE  https://bitcoinday.io/ Use code OB10 at checkout for a 10% Discount.

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KONSENSUS NETWORK - Buy bitcoin books in different languages. Use code bitten for 10% discount -https://konsensus.network?ref=bitten

BALTIC HONEY BADGER CONFERENCE - https://baltichoneybadger.com/

Bitcoin Amsterdam 2022 - https://b.tc/conference/amsterdam

Use Code BITTEN for a discount.


Pacific Bitcoin Conference - Put on by Swan Bitcoin.

Use code PRINCE for a discount.



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