The World's Longest Honeymoon with Mike and Anne from Honeytrek
Publisher |
Jason Moore
Media Type |
Publication Date |
Oct 17, 2017
Episode Duration |

Wouldn't it be fun to take the World's longest honeymoon?

What is the easiest way to start doing more of what you love?

Tune in today for tons of travel goodies. My guests today left on their honeymoon in January 2012 and never went home! They are the authors of a new book published by National Geographic called Ultimate Journeys For Two: Extraordinary Adventures On Every Continent.

They are here to share their best adventure travel strategies, travel advice for two, their Top off the beaten path destinations, and so much more.  Check out their work at Honeytrek. Mike and Anne Howard – welcome to the zero to travel podcast my friends!

You'll Learn:
  • Advice for hopeful travel writers (to get publishing deals)
  • Why travel is a formative and educational experience
  • How to have the World's longest honeymoon
  • How to exit responsibly (for long term travel)
  • Why you should go on your honeymoon before you get married
  • How travel can enhance your relationship
  • Why it's awesome to mix and match travel styles
  • Advice for traveling couples
  • How to run a business with your spouse or significant other (and stay sane and happy)
  • The #1 key to long term travel

For more Zero To Travel Podcasts, be sure to check out the archives now!

Photos courtesy of @honeytrek

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