Weed-infused edibles have come a long way. Far from the home-baked hash brownies of our teenager years, we’re now the first generation of adults who can go to a store and buy organic infused weed gummies, crackers, drinks, and even THC-ice cream. We’ve also learned a lot in recent years about the science of ingesting cannabis, which can help us pick the kinds of products we might want to try. This episode, host Brit Smith talks to California-based cannabis journalist Jackie Bryant. In her latest article for Different Leaf the Magazine, Jackie dives into the science of what happens inside our bodies when we eat pot-infused food.You can buy the Fall 2021 issue of Different Leaf the Magazine at
DifferentLeaf.com and now at Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million book stores across the U.S. and Canada. Follow us on social media @differentleaf @different_leaf and follow host Brit Smith @BritTheBritish - Produced by Andrea Muraskin and Brit Smith, music by Homebody.