The Rider: Werrrrk
Podcast |
The Anfield Wrap
Publisher |
The Anfield Wrap
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Fashion & Beauty
Publication Date |
Jul 27, 2017
Episode Duration |
The Rider this week has nine great songs and Neil Atkinson worrying about Adam Melia making his gig in Manchester but Adam being all very relaxed and engaging in an elongated wham process. Obviously there is talk of Ru Paul's Drag Race because when isn't there. Can you talk to Stephanie Heneghan about the early editions? The songs. Always the songs. All bangers, all the time. Tracklisting here: The Harpoons - Do You Want My Love Tyler, the Creator - Glitter Oscar Key Sung - Shallow Maya Jane Coles - Werk The Preatures - Girlhood Torres - Three Futures Lido feat. THEY - Not Enough Flyte - Cathy Come Home Tops - Cutlass Cruiser Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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