The Podcast Under the Stairs EP 50 - Gates of Hell (feat. Doug Tilley & Jeff X Martin) - Publication Date |
- Apr 13, 2015
- Episode Duration |
- 02:53:08
Join your host Duncan live from THE VOID discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs. On this episode Duncan returns to the airways in his temporary home away from home (in THE VOID). This week Duncan is joined by Doug Tilley of No Budget Nightmares & Not So Evil Episodes & Jeffery X Martin of Kiss the Goat, The Six and a Half Feet Under Podcast, Cinema Beef Podcast & Not So Evil Episodes Podcast to celebrate TPUTS turning 50 episodes old. So in the spirit of celebration, why not tackle the Gates of Hell Trilogy by the maestro of Italian horror cinema, Lucio Fulci, with reviews of City of the Living Dead (1980), The Beyond (1981) & The House by the Cemetery (1981). And don't forget the Baz is back for another Baz's Basement and to tell you all about the special giveaway for episode 50!!