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Submit Review[01:11] Outlawed music [03:36] Forbidden love [04:21] Willis Conover [06:53] First jazz events [09:19] Sopot Jazz Festival [12:54] Warsaw - Newport [17:26] Polish Jazz records [20:01] What is Polish jazz? [21:03] Polish Jazz Quartet [22:37] The Polish Radio Jazz Studio Orchestra [24:48] 45 minutes of jazz [26:28] Cruise ships [28:05] The end of the communist regime [28:43] The nineties
[06:53] Composition: Memory of Bach Artist: Sextet Komedy Album: Jazz 56. I Ogólnopolski Festiwal muzyki jazzowej
[19:42] Composition: One Step Nearer You Artist: Kurylewicz Quintet Album: Go Right
[28:33] Composition: Czarownica Artist: Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski Sextet Album: Komeda. Moja słodka europejska ojczyzna">'Birds Of A Feather...' The Godfather Of Polish Jazz, Jan 'Birdman' Wroblewski, At Birdland // on
This episode of Rebel Spirits was hosted by Paweł Brodowski. The show is brought to you by, the flagship brand of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.
Written by Bartosz Borowiec & Jan Burzyński Produced by Move Me Media Hosted by Paweł Brodowski Edited by Wojciech Oleksiak Proofread by Adam Żuławski Translated by Mateusz Schmidt Design by Dawid Ryski Scoring & sound design by Wojciech Oleksiak
The publisher would like to thank all copyright owners for their kind permission to reproduce their material. Should, despite our intensive research, any person entitled to rights have been overlooked, legitimate claims shall be compensated within the usual provisions.Meet the godfather and voice of Polish jazz.
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