Over the past 90 years our TV and film makers keep returning to the New Zealand Wars - sometimes triumphantly, sometimes with mixed success.. Now Otago University Associate Professor Annabel Cooper has revisited all these projects and the people who made them in a book called Filming the colonial past. The range is impressive - from pioneer filmmaker Rudal Hayward's first, silent version of Rewi's Last Stand in 1925 to Geoff Murphy's epic Utu, James Belich's landmark documentary series The New Zealand Wars, though to the ambitious and expensive TV drama The Governor from the 1970s... Annabel Cooper talked to many of those involved in these films, first talking with Lynn Freeman about Rudal Hayward's two versions - silent and talking - of Rewi's Last Stand. Filming the Colonial Past The New Zealand Wars on Screen by Annabel Cooper is an Otago University Press publication.