The MMA Depressed-us, is typically a show that looks back on some fights that were so bad they were good, fights that were just incredibly bad, and fights that were deeply disappointing. But today we welcome you to a very special edition of MMA Depressed-us with the sharing of a Christmas movie…
The holidays are a time for special things. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, giving presents, eating good food, or listening to carols and watching classic movies. Of course, what would the MMA Depressed-us be if we didn’t try to take all that and turn it into an exercise in self torture.
This year, we’re looking to establish a new holiday classic, with our screening of the 2019 film ‘D-Day,’ starring none other than Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, and... uh... Nicolas Cage’s son? So pull up a copy, light the fire, gather the family around, and celebrate the season with the storming of Normandy.
Join us on the platform of your choice, for a solid 1:25:29 of Christmas joy. We’re counting down and playing our copies from the very beginning of the film. But, Connor will try and note when the “24 Hours Earlier” title card pops up, for those who might have a different version. Enjoy, & Happy Holidays from the crew of Depressed-us!
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