- Publication Date |
- Oct 30, 2020
- Episode Duration |
- 00:31:37
What is the mind? Can we think of it as a ‘space’? Where might we look for the mind and what might be going on inside it when we experience solitude? These are some of the questions addressed in this episode. We hear from neuroscientist Sarah Garfinkel about the mind as an interface between brain and heart, and historian of psychoanalysis Akshi Singh about the mind as a space contained in objects that evoke memory and unlock experience. The poet and philosopher Denise Riley describes the imagined interiors of our bodies and the vulnerability of the inner voice, whilst psychoanalyst and writer Adam Philips discusses what might be happening in the mind when we can’t bear to be alone.
Contrbutors: Akshi Singh (Queen Mary University of London), Sarah Garfinkel (University College, London), Adam Phillips (psychoanalyst and writer), Denise Riley (University of East Anglia)
Presented by Hetta Howes
Curated by Akshi Singh
Produced by Natalie Steed