The documentary Dear Audrey follows filmmaker Martin Duckworth who cares for his wife, Audrey Schirmer, as she faces the final stages of Alzheimer's.
On this edition of Your Call, we discuss Dear Audrey, a documentary about filmmaker Martin Duckworth who cares for wife, Audrey Schirmer, as she faces the final stages of Alzheimer’s. Dear Audrey is screening at this year's online Legacy Film Festival on Aging, through January 15.
We’ll also discuss the latest research on Alzheimer’s and the first randomized controlled trial to determine if the progression of early Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment may be stopped or reversed by a comprehensive lifestyle medicine program, based on pilot data as well as other relevant studies of less-intensive interventions.
What causes Alzheimer’s and will it take to find a cure?
Martin Duckworth, Canadian documentary director and cinematographer, and subject of the documentary Dear Audrey
Dr. Dean Ornish, founder and president of the Preventative Medicine Research Institute, Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF and UCSD, and author of seven books, including Undo It! How How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases