Joyce welcomes Tari Hartman Squire, founding CEO of EIN SOF Communications, Inc, JD Michaels, executive vice president, director creative engineering/director of Diversity at BBDO Advertising Agency and Alec Frazier, director of Autistic Reality. They will discuss the Lights! Camera! Access! 2.0 Collaborative to increase media employment of people with disabilities, improve portrayals across media delivery platforms and advocate for captions and audio descriptions. Jd and Alec met at LCA2.0 at The White House in 2016 and have been working on exciting projects ever since, including Alec’s new book Veni, Vidi, Autism.
Joyce welcomes Tari Hartman Squire, founding CEO of EIN SOF Communications, Inc, JD Michaels, executive vice president, director creative engineering/director of Diversity at BBDO Advertising Agency and Alec Frazier, director of Autistic Reality.