The First Must Be The Very Last - Saturday, Mark 9:30-37 - Publication Date |
- Mar 13, 2021
- Episode Duration |
- 00:08:52
Welcome back to We Wonder: Lent. One of the first things Jesus said to his friends was "Follow me." Today is Saturday in the third week of Lent, and we have been following Jesus through the gospel of Mark. We are watching as he shows us with his words and actions that God's kingdom is coming close; it is almost here.
Today we are reading a little more from Mark chapter 9. Jesus's friends have confessed that he is the Messiah, God's chosen king. But they still don't understand what kind of king he will be, or how he will inherit his kingdom.
Mark 9:30-37
We already know how Jesus's story will end. But the disciples did not: they were living it, right alongside him. Can I join then for a minute, and try to imagine why this teaching — that Jesus would die, and rise again after three days — was so hard to understand?
I wonder what the disciples were saying to one another as they argued on the road to Capernaum? I wonder if they thought, because Jesus was the king, that they would get important positions in his kingdom too?
Do I ever argue — out loud, with a sibling or loved one; or maybe just in my head — about why I am more important than other people around me, or why I should get what I want first? What do I want to to say to Jesus about that right now?
Can I hear Jesus saying to me, "Anyone who wants to be the first must be the very last. They must be the servant of everyone"? How do those words make me feel? Can I give Jesus those feelings right now?
And now, can I imagine being the child that Jesus calls into the room? Can I imagine being taken into his arms and welcomed? Just for a moment, I rest and let myself be held and loved by Jesus.
Are there any words, or pictures, or moments in this story I want to ask God about right now, or take with me into the rest of my day?
🙏🏾 PRAY:
Jesus of Nazareth, son of God: thank you that we have a book filled with your words and deeds. Give us the wisdom and understanding that comes from your Holy Spirit, so that we can know you better and follow you all the days of our lives. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.