Everyone knows the most terrifying movie of all time, The Exorcist. The story today is about Roland Doe. The young man the exorcist is based off of.. It starts out in 1948 and ends in 1949. I personally would have loved to know more about Roland's aunt who passed away. Because all this started after her death in 48. Roland, who actually isn't his real name, would be 86 this year if still alive. In the movie the Exorcist, they changed the original story of it being a boy to a girl. The second bonus story on this episode is about a young African American 9 year old girl from the southside of Youngstown Ohio. Jackie's story is very similar to Roland Doe's. This story was told to me by a good friend of mine, Gregory, from Youngstown. Jackie isn't the girl's real name. Also I changed the real name of Gregory as well to protect his privacy. Greg was one one of the Elders of the church in the room during the exorcism.Performing an exorcism is very dangerous. I highly recommend that you leave it to a person of the cloth. If you know of anyone or an exorcism you would like to share, sent to
cooley54@gmail.com and also
www.cooley54.wixsite.com/ghostsinthevalleyYou can find Ghosts In The Valley on Apple, Spotify, IHeart Radio, Stitcher, Spreaker, Weezer, Sound Cloud, You Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. Plus anywhere you get your podcast.