The Dinnertime Bandit AKA Alan Golder
Media Type |
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Society & Culture
True Crime
Publication Date |
Nov 17, 2022
Episode Duration |
Lawrence Lever, a well-known corporate real-estate developer of possibly questionable ethics is killed when he attempts to stop two young men from breaking into his home, Sunny Hill Farm, a 30-acre estate that was also home to the 11 thoroughbred horses Lever and his wife were so fond of. Lawrence Lever was not the first robbery victim Alan Goldman, the man that would eventually become known as The Dinnertime Bandit. Goldman, a Lynbrook resident whose childhood crime involved stealing other children's bicycles as well as small knick-knacks from the Woolworth's in Island park, eventually gained the attention of the Genovese family. The Dinnertime Bandit eventually captured the attention of Unsolved Mysteries and in a bizarre coincidence, Lawrence Lever's life story overlaps with Lindsay's own family. Questions?  Email Mark or Lindsay

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