The Devil's Advocate (w/ Joshua Lastine)
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We Write Good
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Friday the 13th
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Mar 07, 2025
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Hear ye, hear ye - the trial of Beelzebub v. Movie Audiences is about to begin!! That’s right, we’re building a case for and against pre-Y2K mania as we talk about 1997’s demonically daffy legal thriller, THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATE!! Here to help and add his expert testimony is entertainment lawyer extraordinaire, Joshua Lastine!! You’ll hear arguments including suspect accent work, “Ghostbusting” half-demons, the Devil’s desk-bed, haunting box perms, and our favorite new character (portrayed by one of our least favorite human beings) Eddie BarZOOOOM!! All this, plus artisanal death basements, Donald Trump’s apartment cameo, satanic clout chasing, Keanu Reeves thirst, over-complicating the antichrist, and a court-mandated edition of Choose Your Own Deathventure!! Bang the gavel, people - cause here comes the Judge…ment. 

NOTE: We apologize in advance for some rough audio this week. A technical difficulty during recording led to some intense rescue efforts. What’s presented here is the best that man and machine could recreate. 

Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code KILLPOD at! #mandopod

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Artwork by Josh Hollis:


Kill By Kill theme by Revenge Body. For the full-length version and more great music, head to today!




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Hear ye, hear ye - the trial of Beelzebub v. Movie Audiences is about to begin!! That’s right, we’re building a case for and against pre-Y2K mania as we talk about 1997’s demonically daffy legal thriller, THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATE!! Here to help and add his expert testimony is entertainment lawyer extraordinaire, Joshua Lastine!! You’ll hear arguments including suspect accent work, “Ghostbusting” half-demons, the Devil’s desk-bed, haunting box perms, and our favorite new character (portrayed by one of our least favorite human beings) Eddie BarZOOOOM!! All this, plus artisanal death basements, Donald Trump’s apartment cameo, satanic clout chasing, Keanu Reeves thirst, over-complicating the antichrist, and a court-mandated edition of Choose Your Own Deathventure!! Bang the gavel, people - cause here comes the Judge…ment.  NOTE: We apologize in advance for some rough audio this week. A technical difficulty during recording led to some intense rescue efforts. What’s presented here is the best that man and machine could recreate.  Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code KILLPOD at! #mandopod

Hear ye, hear ye - the trial of Beelzebub v. Movie Audiences is about to begin!! That’s right, we’re building a case for and against pre-Y2K mania as we talk about 1997’s demonically daffy legal thriller, THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATE!! Here to help and add his expert testimony is entertainment lawyer extraordinaire, Joshua Lastine!! You’ll hear arguments including suspect accent work, “Ghostbusting” half-demons, the Devil’s desk-bed, haunting box perms, and our favorite new character (portrayed by one of our least favorite human beings) Eddie BarZOOOOM!! All this, plus artisanal death basements, Donald Trump’s apartment cameo, satanic clout chasing, Keanu Reeves thirst, over-complicating the antichrist, and a court-mandated edition of Choose Your Own Deathventure!! Bang the gavel, people - cause here comes the Judge…ment. 

NOTE: We apologize in advance for some rough audio this week. A technical difficulty during recording led to some intense rescue efforts. What’s presented here is the best that man and machine could recreate. 

Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code KILLPOD at! #mandopod

Part of the BLEAV Network.

Get even more episodes exclusively on Patreon


Artwork by Josh Hollis:


Kill By Kill theme by Revenge Body. For the full-length version and more great music, head to today!




Click here to visit our TeePublic shop for killer merch!


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Follow us on IG @killbykillpodcast!! Join us on Threads or even Bluesky 


Check out Gena's Substack called Gena Watches Things!!


Check out the films we’ve covered & what might come soon on Letterboxd



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