This week on The Bookshelf from NHPR, novelist Elisabeth Hyde discusses her new novel, Go Ask Fannie. In this novel, Murray Blair and his three adult children are gathering at his home in northern New Hampshire. His kids bicker almost non-stop, and the drama that the youngest, Lizzie, carries is enough to drive all of them to worry and judge. Underneath all their interactions is the hum of the memory of an accident that killed their mother and wife, Lillian, and brother three decades earlier. Hyde spoke with NHPR’s Peter Biello about the book. Scroll down to read a transcript of the interview and a top five list of Hyde's reading recommendations. Elisabeth Hyde’s Top Five Reading Recommendations 1. Gateway to the Moon by Mary Morris. “Broad in scope, historically, from the Spanish Inquisition to modern-day New Mexico, this fascinating story is about the hidden or crypto-Jews who resettled in the dry, hardscrabble land of rock and pinon. I’m halfway through and absolutely loving it –
This week on The Bookshelf from NHPR, novelist Elisabeth Hyde discusses her new novel, Go Ask Fannie. In this novel, Murray Blair and his three adult children are gathering at his home in northern New Hampshire. His kids bicker almost non-stop, and the drama that the youngest, Lizzie, carries is enough to drive all of them to worry and judge. Underneath all their interactions is the hum of the memory of an accident that killed their mother and wife, Lillian, and brother three decades earlier.