The previouslies keep us in the very recent past -- nothing matters that happened before Season 6! no need to hit up the wiki to remember who killed whom and why when the White House still smelled like Carter! -- so let's pick up where we left off in
the last episode: Elizabeth's got Rennhull aaaaaaaaaall over her. In the Secret Offsite Garage Of Spycraft Featuring The Wig Depository (I assume), Elizabeth is frantically scrubbing at her face and hair with whatever happens to be kicking around the utility sink in this joint -- a surely fetid rag and probably a warped sliver of Lava. I have to think this isn't the first time someone's come in here to get traitor brain out of their ears; it's not like I expect Elizabeth to keep doubles of all her skin care products there, but even a mechanic or whoever this garage ostensibly belongs to might keep a bottle of friggin'
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