- Publication Date |
- Mar 15, 2023
- Episode Duration |
- 00:10:55
Today’s Talmud page, Nazir 51, discusses the ways that a dead body decomposes in different types of coffins. Unorthodox co-host Mark Oppenheimer joins us to discuss the importance of items made of wood, from coffins to toys, and discusses the importance of the chevra kadisha to honor the dead. How can we honor the dead> listen and find out.
Take One is a Tablet Studios production. The show is hosted by Liel Leibovitz, and is produced and edited by Darone Ruskay, Quinn Waller and Elie Bleier. Our team also includes Stephanie Butnick, Josh Kross, Mark Oppenheimer, Robert Scaramuccia, and Tanya Singer.
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