- Publication Date |
- Sep 01, 2022
- Episode Duration |
- 00:43:05
Today’s Talmud page, Ketubot 57, prods us to think about weddings as contractual obligations necessary for the survival of society. Few authors delivered keener insights into this question than Jane Austen, so today we're happy to feature the first episode of a recently launched podcast, Jane and Jesus, which looks at the author's seminal work on love, marriage, and faith, Pride and Prejudice, through a theological perspective. It's hosted by Karen Swallow Prior, and on today's episode, her guest is novelist Dara Horn, host of Tablet Studios' Adventures with Dead Jews. The two discuss love and marriage in literature and religion, and why Jews read and tell stories so differently from Christians. What's the one thing that the Fiddler on the Roof movie got very wrong about marriage? Listen and find out.
Take One is a Tablet Studios production. The show is hosted by Liel Leibovitz, and is produced and edited by Darone Ruskay and Quinn Waller. Our team also includes Stephanie Butnick, Josh Kross, Mark Oppenheimer, Sara Fredman Aeder, Robert Scaramuccia, and Tanya Singer.
Check out all of Tablet’s podcasts at tabletmag.com/podcasts.