TADS091622 - The Adam Dunn Show 09 - 16 - 22
Publisher |
The Adam Dunn Show
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Sep 17, 2022
Episode Duration |
Last show of the Summer….Damn that went by fast! Skip from @Stashlogix will be in the studio to help us wind it down. Born out of necessity stashLogix was created when a Colorado dad wanted to keep his young kids out of his stash ,so he designed a stash case that he could lock. Of course now everyone wanted one so through An Indiegogo campaign stash logix was born. We’ll talk about that and other industry insider stuff, and Just in case we get too deep we luckily have friend of the show @Jeffgard42 the “gard dog”coming on to give us any legal advice we may need so if you have any queries now is the time to get those questions to us to ask Jeff. Jeff has been a huge asset to the cannabis community in Colorado, not to mention tirelessly keeping @jbird_jlo outta jail. It’s always a good time when he comes on the show. We got rumors of other people rolling through but as we’ve learned in the past if you put it in PRINT they never show up so we’ll leave it at that so make sure to pack those bongs charge those focus Carta V’s and roll those joints so you can join us this Friday, September 16th 4:20 - 7:10 MT YouTube.com/adamdunnshow #sagemasta #seedsherenow #iluminarlighting #Culturedbiologix #warpt4life #flickinbeans #herbanhouse #jeffgard #stashlogix #lastshowofsummer

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