The Legend of Josey Wales ...lives on in every Bud of GG4 and luckily he was surrounded by good people who will make sure the world know The Who the what and the where behind this infamous cultivar and her influence on the Cannaworld. We will have CAT the GG4 brand ambassador along with our old friend @GREYSKULLTHEGROWER who is heading the GGG breeding program ,there’s some amazing things coming down the pipeline thanks to @seedsherenow for putting this together and as you would guess all GGG seeds will be available at also we will get an update from our buddy JEFF GARD Our own personal “Better Call Saul” so if you got some issues that need addressing tune in ...and lastly buy not leasty
- [ ] Our Monthly @ILUMINARLIGHTING Giveaway! Will be going down make sure you have entered by sending us a message at and telling us why you need a ILUMINAR Light and also know the word of the month
- [ ] Include your phone number
- [ ] And maybe we will call you
- [ ] So get that glue rolled up and join us @ Fri June 25th 4:20 - 7:10MT