TADS032423 - Adam Dunn Show 03 - 24 - 23
Publisher |
The Adam Dunn Show
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Mar 25, 2023
Episode Duration |
4th times a charm ! We are actually lucky we missed out on our last 2 call in interviews with this week’s guest Because now the stars have aligned and we get him Live in Studio. The legendary Devin the Dude will be hanging out with the gang warming up his lungs for his guest Judge appearance @the_connoisseur_cup We will chop it up and talk all things cannabis, life on the road and I’m sure a friend or two might call in to rattle Some memories. I’ve said it before you won’t find many more performers with such a true love of our favorite plant we are honored to get the chance to finally make this happen. We also have a couple of drop in guests and a special delivery for Devin from our friends @dutchbotanicals Who will be coming in with the whole crew next week…….. and oh yea “Dave’s Gonna be here” so make sure your @dabx GO is charged , your @jerome_baker bong is clean or just roll up as many blunts or joints you need to keep up with us another 3 hour tour with us on YouTube.comadamdunnshow #sagemastaselect #seedsherenow #davesstillhere #devinthedude #connaseuercup #warpt4life #flickinbeans #herbanhouse #DabX #greenbrozinc #grovebags #sohicafe

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