INDIAN LANDRACE SEEDS....Our Guest @irrazinig is going to blow your mind. Preserving Landraces in the cradle of Cannabis is not an easy job,but someone’s gotta go it.
With insight into the ancient lines that still are farmed traditionally against all odds, Military, poppy growers etc with his work like the #Durandline_project2020 that are immensely
important.We will go down the rabbit hole together and delve into Ancient cannabis lines, Hash production and the global search for lost terps and cannbabinoids. Also joining the show we have Todd Harrison Chief Investment Officer from CB1 Capital , Todd has over 3 decades of experience on Wall Street and now he and his team at CB1 Capital an investment manager and advisor that specializes in the supply
chain of cannabinoid-based wellness solutions, products and therapies that address a wide range of unmet medical conditions, or have commercial use-cases. Well that’s a mouthful ! So between Bagel bites and Dab Hits Dave and I will see where Todd and his team can help out listeners. So buckle up for this international journey and be sure to have your dry sieve at hand or your bong full of ice ready and waiting this fri 3/5/21 4:20 -7:10 MT