Tactical Tuesday returns this week with a pair of hand breakdowns by Coach Brad and Jon.Our heroes both face overbets and find themselves with tricky river decisions despite having very strong hands. Find out what our heroes ended up doing in-game and whether their decisions are CPG approved. If you would like to have one of your hands analyzed on Tactical Tuesday, sign up for the VIP Newsletter and get your access to Greatness Village today (where both of these hands were originally posted) at
https://chasingpokergreatness.com/VIPHand 1Hero Hand: KdJcHero Position: Big BlindEffective Stack: 115 BBAction:PREFLOP: CO raises to 2.48 BB, Hero calls 1.48 BBFLOP (5.36 BB, 2 Players): Jh 8s 4dHero checks, CO bets 1.68 BB, Hero calls 1.68 BBTURN (8.72 BB, 2 Players): Jh 8s 4d KsHero checks, CO bets 12 BB, Hero calls 12 BBRIVER (37.72 BB, 2 Players): Jh 8s 4d Ks QdHero checks, CO checks--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hand 2Hero Hand: AdKhHero Position: Big BlindEffective Stack: 305 BBAction:PREFLOP: MP raises to 3 BB, Hero calls 2BBFLOP (6.5 BB, 2 Players): Ac Th 3cHero checks, MP bets 2.1 BB, Hero calls 2.1 BBTURN (10.7 BB, 2 Players): Ac Th 3c TsHero checks, MP bets 7.73 BB, Hero calls 7.72 BBRIVER (26.15 BB, 2 Players): Ac Th 3c Ts 5hHero checks, MP bets 67.5 BB, Hero calls 67.5 BBNew CPG Cash Game Courses!Preflop Bootcamp:
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