@SvetskiWrites - Stepping Back And Refocusing On Life. #340
Publisher |
Daniel Prince
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
May 24, 2023
Episode Duration |

BTC $ 26,403

Block Height 791,224

Today's guest in the show is @SvetskiWrites who joins me to talk about how he is refocusing his life and efforts in #Bitcoin

What events over the last few years made @SvetskiWrites sit up and take notice that he needed to make a change?

What is his focus going forward and how does AI come into this story?

Do we live under communism and why did he and @1markmoss co-write the Uncommnist Manifesto?

A huge thank you to @SvetskiWrites for everything he has done on the space and I look forward to seeing the new project go live!

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Pleb Service Announcements.

@orangepillapp That’s it, that’s the announcement. The Toxic Happy Hour Pleb Party is BACK - this time in Miami 18th May from 5PM - Midnight.https://www.eventbrite.com/e/anders-pubby-toxic-happy-hour-pleb-party-miami-brought-to-you-by-swancom-tickets-478687135107

Thank you:

@coincorner @swanbitcoin @relai_app @ShiftCryptoHQ @wasabiwallet @hodlhodl for your trust and support. 

Support the pods via @fountain_app  https://play.fountain.fm/show/2oJTnUm5VKs3xmSVdf5n


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