For our 100th episode we intended to devote a small segment of the show to answering listener questions, but we received so many questions we instead put together an entire supplemental episode devoted to answering them. This took some time, it’s long, but we did our best to answer each and every one.
Show Notes:
- Thank you: Saad Ilyas, TheManish89, Safiyya Austen, Debbie Soderlund, Kimberly Tully, sidhu177, NaanSamantha, BombayTalkies, karmakaramit7, Tepid_Waters, monsoon_blues, SeebooTheGoblin, CandidGamera, AvinashAjjarapu, AshishMadathil, baisakhi, theshahshahid, bollylitsa, raj712, shreysaxena2308, maahin, SuzetteChan, akaifishy, morgansiesta, ScouseOfTheEast, desi_casanova, ClaireEKelly, Devin Bruce, and Karen Unland
NEXT TIME: the actual 100th episode on Mother India
#IndianCinema, #Bollywood, #HindiCinema, #Mailbag, #Q&A, #ListenerQuestions, #BollywoodisForLovers, #Podcast, #BollywoodPodcast