Jay Towers & Jim Bowers are together in Detroit and doing something fans have been asking for! Audio commentary of the 188 minute “Superman: The Movie Extended Cut released in 2017. Originally aired as a two-night Broadcast TV Premiere on ABC in 1982, fans were shocked to see a much longer version of the film they watched on the big screen in 1978. This very special Caped Wonder Superman Podcast Commentary puts you in the screening room with Super Fan Jay Towers and
CapedWonder.com’s Jim Bowers. This "In Your Car" version allows you to hear Jay, Jim, and some of the film! This version is perfect for listening when you can’t watch the film simultaneously, but want to hear all of the behind the scenes secrets. If you are looking to listen to the commentary while watching the film, we suggest downloading our “Just Jay & Jim” version and follows the instructions.