THURSDAY! USE THE TIMESTAMPS IF YOU WANT TO SKIP AROUND! SUPER JUMBO SIZED! This is another whopper. The second half is a full recap of this weeks Beverly Hills but before that i go into a tizzy about a ton of other stuff! Check it out. Have a great weekend, guys!
Also, if you want to watch the Monday's pop culture roundup live subscribe to the so bad its good YouTube page! You can watch us make our goofy faces. Go check it out!
Also, So Bad It's Good has merch now! Go to to order yours TODAY!
Also, So Bad It's Good has a voicemail now! 323-425-9542. Pleas feel free to call with your thoughts! If you do you are giving me full permission to use on the show! Also, I'm on CAMEO. I'll be filming in Dorit's Room so sign up today at and search Ryan Bailey! Have a great week guys!
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Remember to subscribe and join me Monday thru Thursday for interviews with podcasters and reality stars, show recaps, Garth and Justin, Bill and Becky Bailey and so much more!! Plus, tell your friends. I, honestly, think there is something for everyone in these pods. The more the merrier!
ALSO GO CHECK OUT THE PATREON Support what we are doing here. THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!
If you’re enjoying the insane amount of blood, sweat and literal tears of this pod consider telling a friend or rating us 5 stars on iTunes! Special shoutout to Maritza Lopez (Insta: @maritza.gif) for all of her insanely hard work creating these beautiful pieces of art on my instagram and patreon page!!
Time Stamps are below. Use them. They are your friend. This pod isn’t meant to be digested all at once! Contact me on Insta if you need me to send them to you if you can’t find them!
730-Show Notes/Jada Pinkett Smith/Derek Jeter./Dubai/Hilton v Rinna
1:10:00-Beverly Hills Recap
Instagram: @sobaditsgoodwithryanbailey, @ryanbailey25
TIKTOK @sobaditsgoodwithryanb
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