Success is YOUR personal choice!
Publisher |
Cayla Craft
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Publication Date |
Mar 23, 2023
Episode Duration |

Success is your personal choice! Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to make it come to life?

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Show Notes:

Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality? Today, we’re talking about your success and what it really takes to make it come to life! We’ll chat about handling rejection, fostering your perseverance, and choosing your own path to success. Your version of success is only up to you, so tune in and find out how to win the game!

00:30 Are you actually ready for success?

02:15 How did “no” change for me?

06:15 Can you choose your success?

08:50 What does success mean to me?

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