Now that we know aliens abducted everyone, where does the Tri-Counties go from here? Max and Andy are pretty thrilled to be proven right after months of warning us about .... the grays.
Imagine a world where everyone smelled like patchouli. Ha! Trick statement! You don't have to because now patchouli is the mandatory scent in the Tri-Counties and you can only imagine what the cast thinks of this.
Venice thinks she might be onto something and Rick Beckley is.....well, Rick and everyone's favorite pervert....errrr, President .... of the Chamber of Commerce, Nellie Negapositv brings her fan-favorite perspective to the broadcast.
We would also like to thank Rocksand Phstevens and Nancy Drew for contributing our first-ever fan sponsorship advertisement with this episode's Portapunish message.
Your Twisted Apocalypse Writers