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Spooky Month: Child's Play 2 (1990) with Omar Mouallem
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Oct 25, 2021
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Sorry Jack, From Justin to Kane is back! On this episode, our final episode of the month wherein we talk with a guest about a horror film of choice, we are joined by filmmaker and author Omar Mouallem. Omar recently released a hit book, "Praying to the West: How Muslims Shaped the Americas," and a movie, "The Last Baron" (which is about a regional burger chain with a very interesting backstory. Omar has some thoughts on Child's Play 2, the better-than-the-first sequel about the murdering doll. He also brings on his horror buff daughter, who is 4 years old and loves the Chucky movie. It's incredibly adorable! 

Watch the Last Baron here, for free (in Canada)

Buy Praying to the West

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Artwork by Josh Holinaty:

Music by Doug Hoyer: 

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