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Sp Ep 3 - Team Halfwit Rides Again
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Mar 19, 2020
Episode Duration |

Stuck at home at the start of a long quarantine, the members of Team Halfwit -- who had never spoken together in a group outside of WhatsApp -- discuss their personal and professional experiences related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). It was a special time for us, and we hope, a useful dialogue for all of you. Just for fun, we top off the episode with a listener submission about an elevator that can't go all the way down...

The glorious members of Team Halfwit are:

Jon Hyman: @JonHyman | The Ohio Employer Law Blog (temporarily renamed the Coronavirus Law Blog)

Tracy Coenen: @SequenceInc | Sequence Inc. Forensic Accounting

Suzanne Lucas: @RealEvilHrLady | Evil HR Lady

Jeff Nowak: @jeffreysnowak | FMLA Insights

Daniel Schwartz: @danielschwartz | The Connecticut Employment Law Blog

Please read their blogs, interact with them on social media, and hire them.

And of course your co-hosts...

Kate Bischoff: @k8bischHRLaw | tHRive Law and Consulting

Marc Alifanz: @saladpants | Coming Soon: Alifanz HR Law and Consulting (yes, he totally copied Kate)

The podcast can be found at @hwepodcast

Please email your stories, questions, comments and/or discussion items at

Lastly, thank you so much for listening and supporting us. 

Please let people know about us and that we're BACK! Please rate and review us on iTunes

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