After taking a look at the highest ceilings in the system during our last podcast and speculating on deadline deals in the last SSS mothership podcast, Darren Black hops on with Brett Ballantini to discuss the White Sox prospects most likely to make an impact during a pennant push in 2021.
Indeed, believe it or not, there were some to discuss:
Can Micker Adolfo leapfrog all the Charlotte outfielders and make an impact on the 2021 White Sox?
Of the triumvirate most likely to ascend next to the White Sox, who has the edge among Jake Burger, Gavin Sheets and Tim Beckham?
Will any starters — Charlotte or Birmingham — fill in ably as needed in the stretch run?
Is Jason Bilous 2021’s answer to 2019 Jonathan Stiever?
To that end, yes, it is Bil-OWS, but what does that surname mean in Ukranian?
There is one easy DFA from the 40-man roster — wanna take a guess at who it is?
Some cursory attention is paid Kannapolis and Bailey Horn/Luis Mieses
Yes, Brett pronounces Evan Skoug’s name correctly, as he gets some shine as our weekly Winston-Salem MVP
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