- Publication Date |
- Feb 01, 2019
- Episode Duration |
- 00:41:35
Eric Robson hosts from South Lanarkshire. Bob Flowerdew, Christine Walkden and Neil Porteus are on the panel, answering questions from the audience.
This week, the panellists advise on how to care for plants covered in snow, which varieties to introduce to an allotment orchard, and what to do with an unhappy Hydrangea.
They also offer planting suggestions that will bring winter drama to your borders, nominate plants that survive best when neglected, and offer tips on keeping an indoor banana plant happy.
Away from the questions, Neil Porteus visits the Mitchell Library in Glasgow to investigate the lasting impact of the 1988 Glasgow Garden Festival on the city.
Produced by Darby Dorras
Assistant Producer: Laurence Bassett
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4