Hey gang heres the smoke in the industry ep 2. hope you all enjoy!
As always a huge thank you to our amazing sponsors
Seeds Here Now - Best in the business in the game, head on over now to -
www.seedsherenow.com to score your seeds today!
Koppert biological Systems- Check out Kopperts solution to your problem! They are based all over the place and have amazing beneficial predators that will help keep your gardens pests under control. They also stock a great range of microbial products designed to fight off those nasty soil borne diseases and more!
Organic Gardening Solutions - Best in the organics game down under. Hit them up for the highest quality amendments and soil.
BIG LOVE to our friends at Top Shelf Seed Bank & Dragonfly Earth Medicine ! (
dragonflyearthmedicine.com/ +
Finally, our patreon fans (
www.patreon.com/thepotcast/) is the major lifeblood of the show and it COULDN'T happen without them. please consider subscribing! There a ton of additional content on the patreon for you to look at including interviews with 707seedbank, dynasty, extra interviews with Bodhi, mean gene and bob hemphill and to top it off, 2 episodes of the new show I'm about to release!