SL098: How To Get Your Message To Millions (And Make Millions)
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Feb 26, 2021
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How To Get Your Message To Millions (And Make Millions)

James Taylor interviews Ted McGrath and they talked about how to get your message to millions and make millions.

In today's episode Ted McGrath talked about How To Get Your Message To Millions (And Make Millions).

Ted McGrath is a theater performer, speaker, and best-selling author. He has created 5 household brands and made millions teaching Coaches, Speakers, and service based Business Owners how to turn their life story and life experience into a lucrative business that impacts millions and makes millions. Ted brings a unique approach to coaching, speaking, and information marketing by combining his business strategies and transformational skill set with his talent as a performer.

What we cover:

  • Building A Seminar Business Around Your Speaking

  • Making Millions From Your Message

  • Adding Tiers To Your Speaking Business

  • How To Get Your Message To Millions (And Make Millions)


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James Taylor Hi, it's James Taylor, founder of SpeakersU. Today's episode was first aired as part of International Speakers Summit the world's largest online event for professional speakers. And if you'd like to access the full video version, as well as in depth sessions with over 150 top speakers, then I've got a very special offer for you. Just go to, where you'll be able to register for a free pass for the summit. Yep, that's right 150 of the world's top speakers sharing their insights, strategies and tactics on how to launch grow and build a successful speaking business. So just go to but not before you listen to today's episode.

Hey there, it's James Taylor, and I'm delighted today to be joined by Ted McGrath. Ted McGrath is a theater performance speaker and best selling author. He has created five household brands and made millions teaching coaches, speakers and service based business owners how to turn their life story on life experience into a lucrative business that impacts millions and makes millions. Ted brings a unique approach to coaching speaking and information marketing, by combining his business strategies and transformational skillset with his talent as a performer. It's my great pleasure to have Ted with us today. So welcome, Ted.

Ted McGrath Thank you. It's great to be here.

James Taylor So share with everyone what's going on in your world just now what projects currently have your focus?

Ted McGrath Oh, we're very focused online. So we're doing a lot of online marketing and building our sales team, which is going great. And we have a big launch coming up for our message to millions of brands.

James Taylor I've said we have a little chat about that and talk about that as well. How did you get involved in the world of speaking, I mentioned that you were a theatre performer. You came from that world originally, but when did the transition into the professional speaking public speaking style?

Ted McGrath Yeah, so I started out when I was in the insurance business around 21 years old. And you know, I got into the business and I had a boss who believed in me, and he's like, you can crack six figures your first year in this business. And for me, it was more about the approval than it was the money. You know, when I was a kid and my parents got divorced, I was about six. And so, you know, I always felt when I was younger, I wasn't loved. And I wasn't good enough. And, and so I was always seeking approval. And I thought if I achieved I would get approval. So my boss was like crack six figures. And I was like, Okay, so my, after 12 months, I cracked six figures. And then I overdosed from drugs and alcohol that night. And I almost died, I had my soul coming out of the top of my head. And miraculously, I was revived the next morning, I was like, well, money didn't do it. So maybe if I you know, get promoted, and I become a partner or leader in this company, my life will change. So six years later, I became the number five partner out of 500 partners for New York Life Insurance, which is the number one and the number one life insurance companies in the world. And upon getting the news, I was like, okay, is this is this really all there is to my life. And so I left and I moved out to California, and I became an entrepreneur. And I was like, I'll start up two businesses, and you know, my life will be great. I start up two businesses. And, you know, I had, you know, I had a good lifestyle, the million dollar condos driving $100,000 car and, and about two years later, I my businesses were failing, my house is in foreclosure. And I was like, what, what do I really want to do with my life. And I just knew, like, deep down inside that I wanted more meaning and purpose, and I knew that I wanted to help other people. And so I started coaching. And, you know, I went out and I started getting some clients. But, you know, quickly, I learned that, you know, the one for one model of coaching wasn't really the best way to go, I was waking up on coaching calls all day and, and there wasn't really happy about it. So I started seminars, and I started doing groups of people together. And I really, really enjoyed that I was really thriving off the, you know, leading seminars and speaking and, and I just things just started to explode. And I really liked the group model of, you know, working in seminars, coaching people in groups, and, and we, you know, we went from, you know, a brand new startup to, you know, seven figure company in a couple of years. And, you know, now I've built a, you know, a multi million dollar company doing what I love. And, you know, the best part of it is it's very lifestyle friendly. So I can run it from Greece, or Hawaii or Japan, from anywhere in the world. And before whereas, you know, 90% of my business used to be through seminars, you know, like 98% of my business is all online now. Which is incredible, and, and it's great. And now I have time for my passions. And actually, the theatre show came in later. So I started theater about three and a half years ago. And so that was like a dream I had from being a kid. But I always suppress that because I never felt good enough. So that's when I got into theater and creating a one man show about three and half years ago.

James Taylor That was it was actually the other way around. It was from doing a seminar. So in those early days of moving from coach to seminar leader and speaking in those groups, and then obviously larger groups and larger seminars, who were those early mentors or early role models for people that you look to say well I like the way that they are doing it, they have a model or they have a way about them that I like.

Ted McGrath Well, you know, interestingly enough, like, when I got into the space, I didn't know anything about, you know, seminars or anything like I'd seen him or heard of them, I was like, I'll go do a seminar and I didn't, I had like 20 something people my first seminar and I didn't know that you make offers, or you sell. So I really didn't know the industry. But when I kind of first got into it, I was more like, in got into the personal growth side. So like, I was doing meditation, and you know, you did a lot of stuff with Deepak Chopra. And then you know, and so stuff like that was my first exposure to kind of like the seminar space. And then, you know, a guy who's a real close friend of mine today, he was like, one of my first mentors is Alex mandossian. And, and we become, you know, very close friends recently. So, he was somebody that I was inspired by, in terms of the one man show, you know, I saw Bo ees into a one man show, and that inspired me from a mentorship standpoint. So those were some of the things that that like, kind of inspired me.

James Taylor So in those early days, you start to build that seminar business. I mean, how did it begin? was it was it free seminars that you were starting with, and then kind of built on to like two day events from there? Talk me talking to you like the transition that how that kind of seminar business built up?

Ted McGrath Yeah, well, first, it was like a one on one coaching call, then it went to like a group, you know, group calls, like, I'll get 15 people in a group course. And I was like, wow, like, you can make way more money. It's way more fun, because you have the interaction with a lot of people. And it's just, it's just more joy. It's like, Well, you know, speaking, like I done some speaking when I was in the insurance business, so I was like, I'll go do a seminar. So the first seminar I ever did I charge for it was like, I charge like, you know, 700 bucks or something for the first seminar. And then I had 20 some odd people, but you know, like, 15 of them were friends. So maybe, like, you know, maybe 10 people were paid at $700. And then I realized, well, I didn't make an offer at that event. So like, I was like, I had this great experience, and I lost money as like, wow, this is going to be a business, I should make some type of offer, right? So I then went to I decided to back up, I'm like, Okay, let me put together a real seminar in a real room with a real stage. Let me market this thing for like four or five months hardcore. And I just started traveling around to like, meetup groups, I put my own Meetup group on and speaking of that, I started going to events, local events, and trying to get on stages there. And, and, you know, and then I found my way into, like, you know, the more community of like, you know, experts like, you know, LOral langemeier, Marcia wieder, I developed friendships with them. And so we went from a local seminar business, where I was, you know, had some people flying in, but it was about, like, 80 people at my first real seminar, and the tickets were free. So, and that was a six figure seminar for me. So that was like my second seminar ever. I did six figures in a weekend in sales. And then I realized, okay, I can do this. And so, and then I realized I had a platform, like, when you have a platform, and you have a stage, all of a sudden, you can go talk to other people and go, yeah, you know, I did a six figure seminar and had 80 people. So all of a sudden, I was in the conversation, you know, and I think most people don't take that leap to get in the conversation, like they don't risk going to do a seminar, invite a lot of people. But once you have a stage, like you're a professional, and it doesn't matter whether you had one, and it's different than like a, a, it's kind of different also than, you know, a smaller one, like a smaller one still good. A lot of my clients use smaller ones, and they crush it because of the model we teach them. But like, I also died at 90 people and somebody like you, somebody who's who's a speaker, who's well known what they speak on an 8090 or 100 person stage if they had a relationship with you. So that got me in the game. So once you

James Taylor kind of go in there you can building building can bigger and bigger stages. At what point did the the kind of online component come in as well? And so you, you said like 90% of your business is, is kind of online, but is that in terms of the selling part, the marketing parts happening online? Or is actually the the Oh, and all that part of the delivery mechanism is also online?

Ted McGrath Yeah, great question. So online emerged after like, three, four years of doing seminars, you know, and it was like, Okay, this is great. And I built a seven figure business, but like, you know, every three, four months, we're filling a seminar and you're running and running, running to fill seminar. And so I was like, This is not a sustainable model. While I love it, it's not a sustainable model. If I'm gonna get continue to do this and do seminars, I want to, you know, do seminars with five 600 1000 1500 people in the room, right. So, so the way the online piece kind of emerged is I actually got invited to to London with my one man theater, show coach, my, you know, my coach for acting, and he's, he's a one man show performer. And so I hired him and he's like, Okay, I'm going, we're going to London, and I'm like, London. He's like, Yeah, and I was like, I had a seminar coming up, like, in like, five, six weeks. So I was like, Alright, well, I I've been doing some webinars, right to get people into my, into my seminars as well like some online webinars that would then sell tickets to the event. And I was like, Okay, well, no better time than now to automate the webinar, you know, to like, automate the presentation. So I automated the presentation, I went over to London. And while I was in London for 11 days of writing my my first show ever, and watching my coach do his show, I made like 41 sales for my message to millions program in like 11 days, and it helped fill the event. And I was like, wow, this, this is like I started to really experience the lifestyle friendly piece of it.

James Taylor It's interesting that that that point, wouldn't happen in my businesses as well. That point when you're, you're away doing something else, and you switch on your phone, and you see all the sales come in. It's quite transformative. I mean, and like you, I love being on stages I love I love that thing. I love traveling around the world and speaking on different stages. But this is nice, I would say, to be able to have the sales and marketing part of your overall piece is continuing to run. And also you continue to deliver value as well.

Ted McGrath Totally, totally. So then once we started doing the automated piece, we're like, Okay, this is good. But then then I went and did a launch. And so I did a launch probably, oh, I think the launch might have been my first launch was like two years ago. And actually, like 23 months ago to be exact, right? So it was a, I did a seven figure launch. When I did it, I was like, Oh, this is a good cool business model. But when I looked at it, like we, in the launch, who was pretty cool about our launches, we did like $700,000 of our online message to millions program. And in product sales, you know, for the online product. But then we did like another seven, eight is another 700,000 plus in in phone sales to our higher tier coaching programs. Okay. And so, so the launch was, so seven figures, but because of a combination of the two, and so I said to myself, I said, Well, you know, the launch the the online portion that's just like to acquire a customer like you when you sell the low the products, it's like that acquires the customer that the revenue comes in from selling the coaching and the mastermind piece and all that. So I go What, what if I could, what if I could create this launch model every month online, to where I wasn't to where I was, you know, what, people didn't have to come to a seminar for me to sell coaching, because we sold $700,000 of coaching programs over the phone. So what I did was I started to create a model through Facebook, that would run to more like lower tier products. Yeah. And, and so you know, we have a whole system now where we're driving, like, you know, eight to 11,000 leads a month. And, you know, last month, uh, you know, we brought in over just from Facebook, over $300,000 in, in, you know, sales from coaching sales. So now we're so the goal is for us to get up to, you know, to double and then get over a million dollars a month in, in sales from the Facebook machine. And then all of our seminars and our launches and all the other marketing that we do becomes the the icing on

James Taylor the cake. And what you're doing there with it with the fact that initially at the top of the funnel of your funnel there is you're kind of liquidating your costs, to a large extent in terms of your Facebook or your your ad rate cost. So every every dollar that you make after that is profit. And also maybe you don't have to have affiliate partners around there as well. But so you're investing and like you mentioned, you know, having to invest in those early days of kind of building your own stages where a lot of people might not have taken that step up to do that. And it was uncomfortable, you know, doing those smaller rooms, you took that step up there to take that risk to the biggest stage. And now with online, you're kind of putting that that taking that risk, although I'm guessing that you know, those numbers so carefully, so detailed, you know, what a lifetime value of potential customers, you can say, Okay, I'm willing to, to just to even lose a little bit here initially bring that person in from Facebook?

Ted McGrath Totally. Yeah, yeah. Facebook, we want I want the product sale to basically get us our ad spend back and you know, typically we'll lose a little bit of money on that. But then when we will, what we'll do is we have coaches then upsell to the message to millions training and we make money there. And then we upsell to the, you know, the coaching for people who want more of the handheld program of, you know, helping them with it will upsell to that as well. So that's where we're really bringing in the revenue. So we spent $50,000 in ad spend, you know, we're bringing back almost 50,000 on the load to your products. And then like last month was you know, another, you know, probably 260 or so and sales 250 in sales from just a phone coaching. So you know, we're putting $1 in and when you look at it, we're getting six bucks back. So it's a good system.

James Taylor What's really fascinating is in this this world of speaking in that there's such a there's such a broad range of different types of speakers. This one things I was so keen to do on the summit as well is you have people that are just keynote speakers. So they just get paid the 50 K or 40 k wherever the figure is to go and speak on that stage to accompany to an organization. And then also the other side, you have like, the cool different thing like platform speakers or seminar speakers, people who are creating amazing and I people think of also people like the one with a Marie Forleo has an online, so you have a live event component to what she does as well. But no, there's obviously lots of people that, you know, can do that. And it's kind of interesting, because it's not, I've seen people it's not an either, or I've seen people actually be able to, to bridge these two areas and actually have a really great online platform, their events, their own things, and also speak to those, those large corporations as large associations. Sure,

Ted McGrath yeah. So like, we're like this, even this year, probably 2018, for me is going back on on the speaking road a little bit to speak a little bit more. And to me, that's like the icing on it. It's like the cherry on top, you know, and, and for me, I just wanted to create a business that would, you know, one is like about consistent income. Yeah, you know, that's the, that's the first piece is like consistent income coming in, provides freedom to like working with clients that I truly I call them dream clients, because I really enjoy working with clients at the higher tier levels, you know, and even even the third piece is working also in groups like with them. So I don't do any one on one coaching my one on one coaching last year, I brought on three or four, one on one clients, $200,000 each. So at that level, people go, Wow, that's like, That's an incredible price point, you know, and you make great money off that and I go, Well, the truth is like, I could either be spending that time with the client one on one, or I can be spending time building out my funnels, I could spending time building out my business on my show, speaking on other stages, like doing things that are more, more geared towards exponential growth, and fulfillment, rather than, you know, one person

James Taylor says to you, when you're looking at things is almost you're looking in terms of opportunity costs. And this is obviously because of the stage you're at with your credit, I'm just conscious that everyone is coming into this, obviously, this is not really the best advice if you're just getting started. But when you're in level that you're at is a lot you're making decisions based upon, you know, you want to get your message to millions as well. And like, How can I do that. So you making higher higher level decisions at that point.

Ted McGrath Exactly. And, you know, in our people who are just getting started in terms of the speaking piece, like we have a lot of clients that start with, like, they'll come in, and their first thing we tell them to do is like in the first 120 days, like go do a workshop, and some of our best clients, you know, are doing like, you know, one of my clients, Alex masco, you know, he had like, 10 people at his first workshop. And, you know, he's young young guy, but he charged the right price point for it, like he gave him like a 10 week course for $5,000. And attended 10 week group course, he did a workshop on the back of it for like two and a half days. And so, you know, he made $50,000 on his workshop on the on the, you know, the the the first year, for first year and like the group program and then at the workshop, he up sold them for another $71,000 with only 10 people in the room. So you're looking at like a that's a six figure model with somebody who's just doing a 10 person workshop, you see what i'm saying

James Taylor is a really fast and and this is why I'm so keen to get you on to talk about so people can just get a bit of even if they're primarily going at their keynoting. And I know that, you know, all the stats are showing that many of the people that used to like the full time that number one income was the keynoting side. And things are changing now, you know, things are changing a really fast pace. And so your people like yourself, you're kind of leading on this as well. I'm interested as in your journey that you've had was there was there a kind of an aha moment insight moment you went, Okay. This this is the direction I want to be going with my business was a key distinction that you made that just made all the difference for your business. I mean, on what level on the speaking level on the mean, maybe on the speaking or the overall business, the business model levels at a time when you went? Okay, this is this is where I want to be going oh, you made a key distinction that you said okay, this is gonna take this is gonna tenex my business.

Ted McGrath Yeah, well, I think on the speaking level, initially was like seminars, I remember we did a seminar and I remember, I we had like, 120 people in the room, and we made the offer and we had clocked like, 700,000 in sales that weekend. And it was like, you know, we just crushed it. And I remember going wow, like, this is a really good model, right? Like a This is fun. It's rich. It's it's, it's a very lucrative, so I was like, This is good. And I remember I remember where I was with one of the guys who was working with me at the time, who was his name was actually Alex guy just told you about and that was that was a big thing. Like I want to do seminars and then the change was the distinction was when I when I started to run our Facebook model and I started to see Like, the like, and I started to build out funnels and I started seeing sales coming in, I started doing, you know, 600 new clients a month coming into our business. And I was like, this is a business. Yeah, like, you know, we didn't get 600 clients the whole year prior to that, you know, and and like, we did a launch, maybe we put, you know, 400 new clients, but like, you know, you can't, businesses consistency. And for me, the AHA was tears, like, a lot of times people will talk about they do one thing, but like, we take them from the 37, to the 97, to the 97 a month to the 497, to the 2000, to the 8000, to the 20,000 to the 40,000. Like, that's a business, you know what I'm saying? And there's every every step of the way. For me, that was the AHA that like, there's a step for every person that wants to take it,

James Taylor and is kind of coming into this world. Obviously, it can be really confusing, because there's so many different options we hear, okay, what we should be focusing on webinars and other people saying we should be doing this online courses, membership programs. So one of the things that you put together is obviously message to millions, which is, yeah, it is a pretty incredible program. I was I was kind of going through things earlier, we want your team just kind of going through everything, and it's amazing. So Talk Talk to us about you know, what was the festival, the inception of the idea of this particular program? And then I think would be great. Just take us through the top level, what what are some of the things that people will get from a program like this?

Ted McGrath Yeah, well, here's the thing, like, the idea of message chameleons is I don't think there's one person on the planet in this space, I really don't, if they were honest with themselves, that wouldn't want to millions of people to see their message if they were confident in it. So I think the aspiration of like, people who really want to impact make an impact, they would love for millions of people to see it if it was possible. So I started with the end in mind of like message to millions is really about spreading a message and really impacting and changing lives all across the world. Like, how amazing would that be? And then you back up and you go, Okay, well, what's the starting point of all of that? And so for me, the starting point of it is like somebody's life story. Now, you know, you look around the marketplace, and you go, there's a lot of people doing different stuff, like we all looked at it Have you when you look at surface level, the message, it looks similar people's messages, right. But underneath it, I think if you tell a story, like a life story, and a lot of times people struggle with like, What is the message that I should be sharing, I always say if you look at your own life story, there was a transformation you went through. And if if you don't, if you don't look at that transformation, and some people are still going through it, but there's a transformation that you've gone through, and that you've accomplished. And, and that's the thing that we feel most called to teach about that we should be teaching is the transformation we've gone through. So story equals transformation. And so without looking at the life story, it's really hard to know the transformation ones go gone through, so that they can actually then teach that transformation somebody else. So story equals transformation. And transformation. Once you're clear on it equals the message you're going to share, right? So when I talk about message to millions, it's all about finding your life story and your message so that ultimately you can attract your dream clients, you know, bring in a consistent stream of income with a lifestyle friendly business and get that message to millions of people. So it's story first, and the story then equals the message. Then when somebody gets the message, like what's the starting point, I think the smartest starting point like to pick one for somebody is is to learn how to then take from that message of like, what am I going to teach? You know, and it's like, once they have the message, like, you know, I help people do this. So they can have that there's in anybody's message, there's probably like four or five bullet points of what they're going to teach, like one of my clients, you know, I helped him he went from a chiropractor to a brand called man on fire. It's like how do you go from chiropractor to man on fire because we changed his branding. And he's like helping men rising into their passion, power and purpose so that they can reach their full potential in their career and relationships, and the brands called magnifier. So if you look at those words, like everything I teach is already in the statement like passion power purpose, so we can teach man on passion like how to get their passion back in relationships, man on power man on finding their purpose man on reaching their potential man on you know, having more passion in relationships, man and having more purpose in in their career. So like, when you have a good statement, and you look at it, like everything you're going to teach is already in the statement. It's like, here's the content I'm going to teach. So I always tell people go story equals message message equals the content you're going to teach, then you've got to structure the program. And I think the most intelligent way to structure the program is to structure it in a group format. You know, I call it a tier one program, like, you know, you can either structure it in a tier one program where like, most of my clients either do a phone course where they're teaching it for like six to eight weeks over the phone, or they do like a two to three day workshop. Right? And it's just like it's it's a starter program. You know, it's like right out of the gate, something simple and they say sell it for like, you know, my clients have gone from 1000 to 7500 bucks for that starter program. And then it's like somebody experiences like that phone group coaching course that you're doing or that group workshop that you're doing for a weekend, they're gonna want a year long program after that. So it's not extra work. It's just taking those current clients, maybe those first 10 people that joined your group phone course. And then it's going, Okay, let me upsell them into a year long group program. And then, you know, you take like, you know, 20,000 in revenue, and you turn it into 100,000 in revenue with the same effort. I think it makes sense. Yeah, I

James Taylor mean, that that point there as well. I mean, obviously, upselling. But I think whenever we learn anything new, we can have, we have a higher level of questions then afterwards, because we've kind of built that base of knowledge. And then like, Okay, so I've got that and start implementing that. And it, you then you generate a whole new level set of problems, often better problems, and questions. And so you need an additional, maybe a level of training of coaching or whatever is around there.

Ted McGrath Yeah, yeah, exactly. And the cool thing about like, these group programs of like, you know, deciding what you're going to teach, right? And if you have your message, you know, right, so you decide and content you're gonna teach at the workshop or the group phone course. And then it's like, Okay, well, how do you fill it like, Well, you know, the simple strategy is just through basic offline, you know, warm market networking, going to live events, you can anybody can fill a course, so tend to people with people they know, you know, so it's like, it's getting that first win and that victory for people. And you'd be surprised, like, we've run into so many existing business owners who, like they don't have a group model. So they're like, I've have seven figure business owners that come to us. And like, they don't have a group model. So they're like, you know, they're very successful, but they're on the phone all day, they're in the office all day. So that group model starts the baseline of freedom, and it's the foundation of it. And then from there, it's like, okay, go talk to your warm network, go get some people in this first program, and then learn how to enroll them. Yeah, learn how to enroll people, you know, and if people know how to do that, and they know how to enroll, then you have the foundation 90% set to then go online and start driving traffic to that same,

James Taylor same same program. And that's obviously part of what you teach your message to millions because that piece as well, the How to enroll people from stage or from an event is, I mean, that's an art form to do that, that's really difficult to do and to do it well. So I know that you, you can recover and all that. So I know what we're going to do here is because we've been talking about in the time we have available just now we can't go through everything on it. So we're going to have a link here. So people just click on that link is going to take them through, you can learn all about message to millions, you know, find out all the details what it covers. It's a really extensive program, it looks pretty amazing program as well. So as we start to just kind of finish up here, I kind of want to maybe ask a slightly more mundane question. Yeah, I'm asking this of all the speakers. What is it that that that speaker bag? What isn't that bag that you carry to all of your seminars, your events, your things when you're out there on the road speaking? What is in that bag that you never leave home without?

Ted McGrath Ha ha ha ha like just what I travel with you? Yeah,

James Taylor listen that bag.

Ted McGrath Oh, well always of course my computer I mean, that's all I need. Right? So it's always just a simple laptop and that's it and some book that I'm reading you know, so that you know that that's it. I always have a book with me and I already always have a bag a laptop and that's it. Of course my golf clubs on the other coast on the other shoulder right?

James Taylor Speaking someone here in Scotland, the home of golf, you could have to go You have to bring your movie you're gonna have come after of course the complacently so when you mentioned books as well, what if you could just suggest one book everyone and it can be one of your own but one book that you think people should these speakers everyone that's on this summit just now you think it'd be really powerful for them to read transformational? What would that book be?

Ted McGrath Well, if you want like a you mean a business book, or like more of a personal growth book completely open to you? Well, you know, I would say personal growth. So like Dianetics, the modern science of mental health is a pretty amazing book that really talks about what stops people from, you know, reaching and raising rising more into their potential in life. And so for me, like it's all about, you know, as long as my spiritual growth is, you know, bigger than my business growth, I'm always going to be in a good space. So that's, that's my belief.

James Taylor And what if that was the one online resource or tool or app you find really useful for yourself as a, as a speaker? As a coach, as an expert?

Ted McGrath You should things like an app I use for my business to

James Taylor run it, you need something something usually you find is they useful to help you do what you do? You know, I

Ted McGrath my stuff's pretty much I don't do much with the technology piece, like my team runs that I would say, like, you know, the one thing that works for us in our business strategically is just like, you know, running a Facebook ad to a strategy session. So you know, when it one of the six piece that I didn't share on message to millions is that when you when you do all the legwork of all those other steps I shared, like the only thing that changes when we went Online is just we have an ad that now runs people to go book a strategy session. And you know, people think a lot of times it's so hard to do this, but like, the most useful thing in our business has been running advertising to the same thing that made us successful when we started coming to online. And if one final question for you, Ted, let's imagine you woke up tomorrow morning, and had to start from scratch, so you have all the skills or the knowledge you have acquired, but you know, no one,

James Taylor no one knows you, you have to restart, what would you do? How would you restart?

Ted McGrath I would, I would go online, you know, that's exactly where I restart I would go online and I'd you know, get a Facebook ad up. And I'd I'd, you know, I'd set up a basic funnel that starts running to you know, to make some to make some sales and get clients on a strategy session and, and you know, that that's what we would do and it's just like, it's, it's a great model, because it's consistency, you control it. You're not dependent upon all these different relationships. But you can have the joy of being with all these different relationships and strategic partners, because it's like more of like the cherry on top rather than the thing that you primarily rely on.

James Taylor Well, Ted, thank you so much for coming on the summit and sharing your your knowledge or wisdom about about speaking and in the seminar business as well. We're gonna have a link here to message to millions people can go on there, learn more about about the program. Thank you so much. I look forward to maybe we'll get a game of golf either in California or Scotland or something. Yeah, man.

Ted McGrath Of course. I'll have to tell my girlfriend she's a golfer too, as good catch you soon. Thanks, bye.

James Taylor Today's episode was sponsored by speakers you the online community for speakers and if you're serious about your speaking career then you can join us because you membership program. I'll speak as you members receive private one on one coaching with me hundreds of hours of training content access to a global community to help them launch and build a profitable business around their speaking message and expertise. So just head over to to learn more.

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