SL078: The Entrepreneurial Speaker
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Sep 03, 2020
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The Entrepreneurial Speaker

James Taylor interviews Gil Petersil and they talk about The Entrepreneurial Speaker.

In today's episode Gil Petersil they talk about The Entrepreneurial Speaker.

Gil Petersil, Communication & Strategic Networking Expert. Over 20 years of business experience as a serial entrepreneur and a business coach for 200+ companies spanning across diverse business industries around the world. More information about Gil's activities: Leading Strategic Networking expert in Europe, Middle East and Asia. Invited professor and business coach in the top business schools Serial entrepreneur of 15 businesses across Europe Trainer on Strategic Networking for leading global corporations Lived and developed businesses in Israel, Canada, USA, England, Russia and Singapore Shared the stage with such world-class speakers as Brian Tracy, Michael Roach, Keith Ferrazzi, Allan Pease, David Allan, Robert Cialdini and Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street) * Speaker in 200+ events for over 35,000 people all over the world.

What we cover:

  • Why Gil set up a speakers bureau
  • The Entrepreneurial Speaker
  • Partnering with Tony Robbins


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James Taylor Hi, it's James Taylor, founder of SpeakersU. Today's episode was first aired as part of International Speakers Summit the world's largest online event for professional speakers. And if you'd like to access the full video version, as well as in depth sessions with over 150 top speakers, then I've got a very special offer for you. Just go to, where you'll be able to register for a free pass for the summit. Yep, that's right 150 of the world's top speakers sharing their insights, strategies and tactics on how to launch grow and build a successful speaking business. So just go to but not before you listen to today's episode.

Hey, it's James Taylor and I'm delighted today to be joined by my good friend and an incredible speaker Gil Petersil. Gil is a speaker communication and strategic networking expert and is the leading networking specialist in Russia and cis. He is the founder and co owner of 15 businesses visiting professor at skolkovo startup Academy. a business coach, and a consultant for over 200 startups in different fields. After gaining extensive experience of living, studying and working in Israel, Canada, Great Britain, USA, Singapore and Russia, Gil uses his vast knowledge in the sphere of effective communication to raise entrepreneurs and companies to new heights by using the art of strategic networking. He is the exclusive partner for Tony Robbins in Russia, and this year became the number one promoter for Tony Robbins in the world. Amazing. In addition to his work with Tony Gil has appeared on stages with such legends as Brian Tracy Alan Pease, Keith Razi, Robert Cialdini, David Allen, Michael wrote and Wolf of Wall Street's own Jordan Belfort and Gil and I hung out at the start of the year in Singapore, and he's an incredible entrepreneur, credible speaker so I'm really happy to have him on the summit today. So welcome.

Gil Petersil Hello, hello. Happy to be here. James. Thank you for inviting me.

James Taylor So here are the attendees what's going on in your world? What have you been up to recently?

Gil Petersil Well, you know, it's been a really big beginning of the year because last During the summer I was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter. And which really transformed a lot of my life. A lot of people said, Oh, you know, your life is gonna change and some people said Your life is not gonna change. But that that step in our life to becoming parents really helped me understand a lot more than I need to become a much better business owner and have a lot less operational activities. And as a speaker, I decided that I want to have a lot more freedom, and I wanted to be able to travel more but travel with my family. And because of our businesses that have been flourishing in England and in Russia for the last few years, we decided to come to Singapore and lived here for a little while with the weather is better and much better environment for kids and babies. And it's been an incredible beginning of the year so far being completely welcomed by the Singapore community, joining the professionals association of Singapore as well and just you know, giving back to the community

James Taylor is amazing in Singapore. I it was only the start this year that I was over there. apss Asia professional speaker Singapore and we met up with Fredrik hire, and Andrew, Brian, some incredible speakers, many of them are on the summit here as well. And the thing that struck me about the association there is how collaborative it is. Not to see that the other ones aren't collaborative, but it's just really strongly of people are there helping each other, you know, giving, you know, suggestions of things. It's just it's a, it's a, it's very unique, I would say in terms of the speaking world.

Gil Petersil I completely agree. And I think it's because that Singapore is very much a melting pot of people that have come in from different parts of the world. And they ended up in this tiny little country that surrounded by big giants around it. And this tiny little country they used to be just the city has flourished so much, and these speakers that have been coming in from all over the world, they've learned that the best way to succeed and flourish and grow their own business to achieve really, you know, financial freedom, prosperity is the to collaborate is to refer each other to the clients is to support each other by sharing experience, because at the end of the day, if you have an abundance mindset, so much more work comes towards you. And I've learned this as a business owner, the more we've given out, the more we've shared with our competitors, we've managed to not be able to even, you know, take in all the business that's come in, which is really how we became the number one promoter for Tony Robbins this year just, we just gave out a lot of his books, and we gave out a lot of support to people who couldn't afford it. And this year, we brought 1200 PEOPLE TO HIS EVENT without really putting that much effort into it.

James Taylor 1200 people and these were Russians from all over the all over the globe that came to London.

Gil Petersil These were Russian speaking people from 27 different countries around the world that came into this event with us somehow magnetically attracting all of them. And

James Taylor because of that, obviously, you're the number one promoter for for Tony Roma's Because of that as well, but you know, so you have that part of your business and but you also now have the speaking side have mentioned you've spoken on stages you've done a lot of kind of global speaking you're speaking here there and everywhere just now I'm interested in this point in your in your life, because we are we're kind of similar ages young family, you know, what, what was the thing about speaking at this point in your life? And really, because you'd be obviously speaking before that, but you've obviously decided to Okay, take take things up a level.

Gil Petersil Yeah. So it was really about three and a half years ago when I when I needed to make some big life decisions because our business was just like starting to make some money. And, you know, my wife and I were real like, hands on entrepreneurs in the office every single day struggling with recruiting struggling with what do we do and I've always had this passion for motivating others. I've always had this need for mentoring and coaching and it's something I've always dabbled into. But three and a half years ago, we went to a training seminar again by the famous Miss Tony. And it was a business one specifically where we learned a lot about the key tools that we have to use it to become business owners. And the reason I chose to do that, because I realized that speaking is what woke me up in the morning, speaking is what got me up would energize getting in front of the audience, not having to think about money, I didn't need to charge everyone just sharing my own life experience sharing my successful failures. I've failed a lot in business and I love being able to share with people that and I realized that the ability that I have in this passion that I have had to step up, but in order to do that, I had to bring in my business skills up as well. So first, I'm an entrepreneur and then I'm a speaker so for me speaking is not about I need to speak to make money for me speaking is my businesses are making money. And if I speak, I could generate more leads my business. When I speak, I get energized I can give that to my clients know my employees. When I speak, I can just share the message with people that are somehow potentially going to trickle down to one of my companies, you know, speaking for me, became very natural at a later stage of my life. Because at an early stage, I was very much of an introvert, not being comfortable with people not knowing how to network or connect with others. But speaking became very much and kind of second nature to me, because I traveled so much in my life. And I've lived in so many countries, and I've been through the struggles of not knowing how to talk to people or having to get up and do a presentation in front of my team. And I've done it so many times that, you know, everyone says, practice makes perfect, that really, really does. And I got to a point today where I can come to a new country like Singapore, use my networking abilities to connect with the right people, the right leaders, and very quickly get on the right stages, to build the right relationships to build a brand for myself in a completely new country.

James Taylor So that that ability To network is something that you're known for I've seen it in person, you train about it, you speak about it, you teach about it as well. You've obviously been in lots of rooms lots of conferences, events, where there's been other speakers there was some of the maybe the things that you see them not doing that you think just you know, a couple of just add these couple of things, these couple of ingredients to your to your recipe for for meeting people for networking, and you're gonna see, you know, real exponential results, maybe just give us maybe one or two here, just Sure,

Gil Petersil sure. So for me as speaker is a freelancer, he's an entrepreneur, as Speaker for me is someone who is selling his time, his selling his knowledge, his experience, which is just like a consultant or a coach. Now, there are some speakers that can get up in front of keynote and do an amazing job in front of 10,000 people in the corporation just pays them a big chunk of money and they could do it twice a month and they're very happy. But the average speaker in the world must be a proper entrepreneur. They must hustle. They know Get the leads, they must build a CRM system, they must follow up with the leads, and they must get clients regularly in order to have a good life in order to become famous in order to achieve any of their goals. What I see happens with a lot of speakers, they lose that entrepreneurship spirit, they, they maybe feel some time, maybe it's an ego boost. Maybe it's a, you know, they've had a couple of really big clients and they paid them a lot of money. So now they expect all clients to pay them a lot of money. Or maybe they had a couple of amazing months, where clients were coming in from everywhere and the like, whoa, whoa, this is great. And suddenly, they stopped calling leads, and they stopped following up with people and they got a good business card from someone but they said, You know what? He should follow up with me. Why should I follow up with him? I'm the speaker, he should follow up with me. If he wants me he should pay me money. And suddenly, it became I'm not an entrepreneur. I'm a celebrity that's always in demand. Which is not true. Even celebrity Have either an entrepreneurial spirit or they have an agent working for them, you know, and you have kind of you get to play either one or both sides of the coin and all times. You know, for myself personally, when I started off my speaking career in Russia, I understood very quickly that in order to become a speaker, you've got to hustle. You got to put yourself out there. But culturally in Russia, if you push yourself as a speaker, for example, your rate cannot be that high, because psychologically means maybe you're not in enough demand. Maybe you need business. What I did, I said, I set up a speaker's bureau, I set up my own company, my own agency that basically was able to sell me and sell other speakers at the same time, which was awesome, because when they sold me, I made money. And when they sold someone else, I still made money. So it was a win, win win all around. So I think as speakers you pick Got the business card, you hustle and connect with people, you see people all around you build relationships with them, don't try to sell yourself, try to understand what the opportunity is what kind of, you know, weak points they might have in the company where you are maybe one of the other speakers, you know, could fulfill that pain. Currently the company has. So I think isn't a speaker, be an entrepreneur, and don't think as one but think as many because you have a community of other speakers around you.

James Taylor But that was such a smart move, setting up that speaking speaker bureau as well. Because as you were kind of going there building, building that business, obviously there was people coming in for you looking to book you as a speaker. But you know, so many times people come in, and frankly, you're not right for them, you know, it's not the right match. And, you know, what most speakers will do is they'll say, Oh, you know, speak to sue or Joe and I think they would be a good match for you. So it's an informal relationship in that way. But what you are able to do by setting up a bureau is you can form Realize that at the same time, you provide a great service for the the event planner, the organizer, you also provide a great service for, for the speakers as well, because, you know, many of them, you mentioned that those two roles there, you know, the, the speaker and in the person that the manager, I personally found, where my background being in the music industry, the most successful music artists, I've found. The they actually have that entrepreneurial thing within them. Yeah, yeah. And that's kind of got them to that first step. And then once they've been at that step where they've been brought in a manager or an agent, then they can handle a lot of those rains. But that never leaves them. They've got that in their mind, they're always thinking that and is important, because then they can have those conversations with other managers, the other people in the business with a bit more of a turned on. So I think there's a danger sometimes if we think even as speakers that, Oh, well, I'll just leave that. You know, I'll just kind of mentally park that to someone else. When actually this is kind of this is part of what your job is. Yeah. You're doing So, so who were those who those in those early days for you, as you were kind of starting to build up your career as a speaker in Russia, and also during kind of globally? Who were those key mentors for you apart from obviously, Tony,

Gil Petersil you know, so it's interesting because when I was starting off what I didn't want to do, I looked at people like Tony and Brian Tracy and Blair singer, I look at all these guys that have been following for a while Les Brown. I've listened to him so many mornings, you know, and what I didn't want to do. I didn't want to climb the slow way. I didn't want to slowly slowly slowly climbed like most other speakers do. I didn't want to be a struggling speaker because again, I had my entrepreneurial mind hat on, and I had the hat of, Okay, if I'm already building an agency, what I'm actually doing is I'm building a persona I'm creating, I'm creating a perception in customer's eyes that they don't call me they call My agency you know, they call a team that represents me. So very quickly I was able to go into the tear beat of speakers and and charge a lot more than most of the other speakers around me that have been talking for 1015 years. Very quickly. I jumped at that level one. I was a foreigner I was a businessman. Many maybe I had a competitive edge as well, but I started looking at speakers who were business people so you know someone like Brian Tracy I've been a huge fan of his for so many years but what I've learned with some of them that you know, I'm not losing respect to any of them of course, but when they don't speak they don't really make that much money. Yeah, and what I started looking at for as mentors I start looking for mentors who are making money when they don't speak and I looked started looking at people who are you know, first business people and then speakers and I've noticed that you know, you you you brought in a few people that I've recommended Ted McGrath you know, a good friend, right? also brought into the the summit. I think that's very, very smart. And then waldschmidt, you know, someone again, I highly, highly recommend people to check out. Both of these guys, I see them as business people, especially Dan, who's built a very successful consulting businesses and a lifestyle business as well. And then suddenly decided to be a speaker. And he went directly to that to a of a speaker. So for me, my mentor is continuously changed. But to be honest, my mentors have always been business people. And then mentors have been people who I just looked up to as speakers. It's more about, you know, what can I learn from them to do but it's more about what can I learn from not to do? You know, I don't want to mention the names of speakers where there's a lot of speakers in the world that have made ridiculous amounts of money. And today, they're completely broke the speakers in the world that had been preaching one thing for their whole life, and suddenly today, they're talking about something completely difference. So, there's a lot of, you know, unauthentic sort of communication out there. So I, for me, I almost took, what not to do, where were the bumps on the roads are how it shouldn't be me on stage making money. It should be me offstage sleeping, making money. So I had to think about how to reverse engineer the whole thing,

James Taylor that idea of kind of velocity as well as something that people use Sergei Brin, obviously from Google talks about where to okay rather have a five five year plan, how can you do it in six months? You know, and it makes you think in a very different way, because it's not the conventional way of doing things you know, there's there's set ways of doing things you go and do this then you do this and then that and I'm like you I'm always thinking well, you know, why should we go the conventional way all the time. Let's let's have some fun. There's not I mean, there are there are rules, but rules are there to be broken and and to have you know, have fun a bit and to be flexible with as well. And I definitely saw What you said about this idea of building productizing and building other revenue streams yourself is very important when I can go into the speaking so because I saw it happen so much in the music industry where many I worked with some of them many can be successful rock bands or touring artists, they could only make money when they were on the road when they were up there on in speaking or performing in front of audiences. And when that was going, it was great. But if something happened, maybe an album and the speaker's kit book didn't work quite as well, or they just kind of fell out of favor or they got sick. For example, it was over you know, it was a real problem and so I was I kept buying into all the arts I represent we need to have multiple streams of income, we need to have subscription, you know, recurring renewal subscription, we need to have other events, our own stages, our own events. So when I came to speaking, just like you, I went, Okay, the speaking is the tip of the iceberg is a bit that often people see but with this is intact. There's all these other things going on. Dan is obviously great for that in the consulting Ted, he has his events as well. Who are some the other people, the other speakers that you're seeing around just now that you're going? They've got it. And maybe speakers are coming onto the scene relatively recently as well.

Gil Petersil So, you know, these days because I have made this transition to Singapore, I'm following a lot of the local guys. You know, you've mentioned Frederick Heron and Tom Abbott, you know, who's the president now, the apss and Andrew Bryan, people like that, you know, Jerome Joseph, an incredible guy. I like following these guys, because I see what they've built here locally. And because they've moved countries so many times in my lives, and whenever I've moved the country, I've had to learn how to set up a business and that culture and my mindset when I network, it's always a How can I help you mindset I love serving communities. I love serving people. What I do for a living right now is because I know I got it. I want to share it and because I'm sharing it, I know I'm learning more Because I'm still a student today. So by looking at some of these leaders of the apss here, I see guys that I could learn so much from but when I see what I can learn from them first, I see what I could teach them. I see what added value I can offer them. Why would someone agreed to teach me unless I can continuously add value to them? Why can I expect for someone to sit for lunch with me to share some insight knowledge to make a recommendation to me to give me some tips on how can I expedite my growth and in this country being completely new to the culture, if I don't certainly know how I can add tremendous value to them right now. And when I go into meetings with some of these speakers, the same thing like Tony, Tony is one of the top speakers in the world in my opinion, if not the number one speaker and when I meet him now, it's different. You know, when I met him a couple of years ago was completely nervous, not understanding how can I add value to this person, but then when I started promoting isn't And teaching people around, you know, the Russian speaking countries who Tony is and what his message is. I understood that by just taking this action by building a business around it, I was adding value to him. And I would not fully understand until something like two weeks ago Why now he wants to add value to me why he wants to spend time with me why he wants to mentor me. And I think it's the best way to really build relation with these speakers is look for other speakers around the world that you can collaborate with, maybe do a joint venture with maybe do have a strategic partnership with share a stage with speakers is something that I've taken on board is a very serious strategy in order to grow quickly. You know, I looked for someone like Brian Tracy, who I've loved for almost 20 years of my life and when I made those decisions to become a top speaker in Russia, I had to find the biggest speakers that are respected by Russians were international and try to get on their stages as well.

James Taylor So very smart. And what you're talking about here is also very strategic. At the same time, you know, this is not, oh, I need to send this one sheet to someone I need to know for you, there's a there's a lot of thought that's gone into this a lot of kind of planning is very strategic at that level. And I'm wondering, now, as you start going to building out all this, you know, we often hear this this distinction between the keynote speakers people that just going to get that 10 K to go or 15 k whatever the figure is to go and speak at that event. And what we sometimes call platform speakers, of course, like a Tony Robbins Is that who, yes, he will occasionally go and speak for a big organization, but most of time, it's his, his his stages that he's doing. And you're you're dealing with both of these types of speakers through your, your, your Bureau, and you know, many of these types of speakers. It sounds to me like you're very much kind of thinking for you as you build your speakers on the platform side. For anyone that is kind of relatively new to this distinction between the keynote just go straight forward keynote Speaker and a platform speaker, you know, where's the money? You know, for someone is just thinking, What's going to give me the biggest opportunity to to grow, you know, as quickly because I know some people just there's that laser like focus of just focusing on keynotes and people can do really well, and doing that. But then there's this other thing which milken entrepreneurial speaker you're talking about.

Gil Petersil Yeah. So I really think it comes down to what do you want out of life and what kind of priorities you have if you got four kids at home, and you can necessarily depend on the one ad hoc, you know, keynote speaking here and there, then you build a business around then you sell as a keynote and then you have a back end that maybe it's a three day training seminar inside of a company. It really depends if what people actually want for themselves. I know some speakers who like working approximately three months out of every year and then they go and they relax and they sit in another home. They sit in one of the islands they they have a great time they spend time with their family in a little Love that. But personally, myself, I love working. I don't really call it work. Last weekend I was in Vietnam and next week I'm traveling again. And for me, I love combining business and pleasure I currently I'm, you know, I feel blessed that I have a wife that loves traveling with me, because she's a part of the business, of course, and she runs two of our companies, and I have a young daughter who's very easy to travel with, I think in, you know, 510 years, I'll be in a different position with many kids and being just a keynote might be something I would want to do at that stage of my life, because I'd have more freedom to spend time with my kids and go pick them up from school and I can't necessarily commit to five days in China and three days in India, because I know speakers like that and they're away from home 80% of the year, and I don't want to do that. And that's for me my personal lifestyle choice because I've been there and done that. I've been traveling on the road a lot and back then I didn't have a family. So I did that. But now that I have a family, I wouldn't want to do that. Now. Money is in both To be honest, as a keynote, you can make two to $5,000. You can make 10 to 30. You can make 100 Plus I know speakers will make 100 Plus, but it's not enough to them. They want to charge a lot more. Ilan Musk, like didn't accept a speech a speaking opportunity for 500,000. I know guys like Steven Seagal once 120 Okay, what is he going to talk about? I'm not sure, but that's what he wants, because he doesn't have a back end where you can actually train in a structured manner. Some other speakers that I've met here, the keynote that they do is not as good as a one day in the office group coaching, proper training, you know, everyone has their gifts. So I think it's really being open with yourself maybe speaking some of your mentors and understanding what is my gift and do I want to do that? 20 minutes, one hour motivation, really a lot of detail information, or do I want to actually prolong it over a one day period work with people do I love people that much?

James Taylor I think that's what's been fun about At the summit all the different guests yourself and Minaj and Jerome and some Tom Piller who you mentioned, there's such a variance of the kind of, and it really, some of them, it takes them a while to kind of find what their thing is, and where some people more like doing the keynoting or the platform building businesses, others it just like it's just instinctually I know, this is kind of where I want to be. But what was nice about it is this, you know, just choose your lane, choose your path and and just go for it and find a great mentor, you know, in that path, serve as a platform, reach out and be some like Gil or, or, you know, someone like Dan for example, and and kind of form those connections because because they they have a game plan for that they've built their strategies around that. And I'm interested in your work. You've been on stages and you've worked alongside you've also represented through the through the Bureau, so many great speakers, but what's the best piece of advice that you've ever received about speaking?

Gil Petersil I think when I there was really I could look at him two different sides. were nice Started one of the advisor mentor gave me said Listen, you want to speak, stop talking about it go and speak. And this is something I'm now giving the exact same advice of a mastermind for speakers in Russia treaty training people how to get on stages and I'm that's exactly what I'm telling. Don't wait for only the paying gigs if you're just starting off right now or if you're, you know, getting things going, don't wait for someone to come to you go to universities, go to charity organization, go to different Chamber of Commerce's, you know, go to old people homes and just talk. You know, practice makes perfect. And for me, I got to say it when that advice came to me, I didn't think it was something but I actually went to high schools. In a one stage, I became a coach for the director of the high school and actually paid me good money, but just offering myself to speak in front of the students was energizing. It was fun. I had to prepare, I got my content to be better. So that's one practice truly makes perfect and the more you speak The more you kind of refine the content that you truly want to speak about, and on the other side where I am today, it's more making sure that you have authentic stories behind your content. So today, I don't just speak about my content, I live it. I don't speak about strategic networking. I am a strategic networker. It's how I do my business. Every business I have runs on it today, my corporate clients, when I come into them, like guys, I'm not going to train you how to do something hypothetical, I'm going to walk you through step by step on how to use the what I call the new code of networking, to get what you want to achieve your goals, to get more clients to have more freedom, whatever it is that you want. It's all basically a co creation that we have with others. And today, that's what I tell. The best advice I give to speakers is don't be a loner, connect with strangers. partner up with the speakers. Don't see competitors in anyone else. around you. Because if you thinking competition, you don't think there's enough clients to go around. So think about abundance and just see every single person you meet, not as a potential client, but as a potential future friend who might recommend me to someone one day, so treat people with respect, give them free content, and just enjoy your life.

James Taylor COMM my question for you, first of all, what is what is that that mobile app or that online resource of that tool that you don't think you could now probably live without as a speaker?

Gil Petersil I would save that for me today. LinkedIn is really it. You know, having LinkedIn is really helped me transform my speaking career. But really, again, I'm looking at it from an entrepreneurial point of view. It's helped me transform the way I I run businesses, the way I recruit the way I attract customers. Today, I actually have a full time girl in my office, just helping me manage my LinkedIn account because there's so many requests and so many new business cards that I pick up and when I tell speakers You meet people always enter that business card into some sort of a database. What I do today, I enter you into into LinkedIn and I connect with you and I send you a little message. And also I enter you my CRM, and today, everyone's got a mobile phone, it doesn't really matter what you have, make sure that your CRM system is backed up connected to your computer connected to some sort of an in the cloud system. And there's so many out there and make sure that you you have a way to just follow up with people, whether it's weekly or monthly, just have a way that you can reconnect and reconnect. And for me, LinkedIn is number one, not just social network. It's a tool that I use to maintain these connections.

James Taylor And I think I've got an app on my phone. I can't remember what it's called now Munch card Munch or something, where you can just take the take a photo of the card, and it automatically do the connection within LinkedIn is connect to your LinkedIn account. So there's I know there's a couple of cool apps.

Gil Petersil There's a lot there's a lot of apps out there. I didn't know there was one that automatically connects you with the LinkedIn Want to know that by what the recommendation I would give you be careful what a lot of these apps because the connection that they send people is a template connection. And I think that's a mistake that a lot of people do because you're just sending them Hello, I would like to add into my professional network. Don't do that. If you're connecting with people, especially as a speaker, what you want to do is you want to personalize it a little bit. Now, you can keep it as a semi template, but it could be, you know, hello, James, it was really great to meet you at the apss event last week, I really, you know, enjoyed our conversation to see synergies and potential future discussions. Just to remind you, this is the sort of topics I love speaking about. If there's anything I can ever do to help you out, please reach out to me But either way, I love to stay in touch. So I'll follow up with you in the next few weeks. You know, awesome, that sort of follow up that's personalized, that's telling them where you met. It's telling them what you do, and it's telling them that you come in peace.

James Taylor What about what is in your speaker bag, what is in that bag that you take to all You're speaking gigs that you never leave home without, you know, you have all your your gadgets and your things what was in that bag?

Gil Petersil That's a funny one. So I'm gonna say the obvious ones that I think most speakers have. It's the clicker. It's I have my own headset microphone. I always go to events with it because I don't do events where I do a handheld and you know, my microphone is good at suits me. I have my USB stick just in case they lost my presentation. It's always good to come with it. I have my it's funny, but I have a little bell with some of my events. Because when you want to interact with the audience, depending on the time you have, you need to get them to stop talking, I have a little bell actually gets people's attention. It's amazing. And one extra thing that I always have is actually have little mint boxes, little Tic Tac boxes, not the big ones, the little ones, which I give people who are openly engaging with me. One I give it to them as a reward for openly engaging with me a partner in an audience. And two, it's a really good you know, networking. little tool. People need mints in their pockets and the network's they just fit with a lot of the topics that I cover.

James Taylor Awesome, great. And we'll put we'll put some links here as well. I'll find out what clicker you use and things and we'll we can add some of those here as well. Let's if you can only recommend one book in relation to speaking, or actually just relation to, you know, entrepreneurship. So because you have these, you blend on the speaker and the entrepreneurship thing. What would that book be? What would the book recommendation be?

Gil Petersil Why not? Can I give three quick ones?

James Taylor We open we have some time. Let's go for it. Give me give us those three.

Gil Petersil I'll give three quick ones. I'm not going to go into details. So not in any specific order. But again, we spoke about Tony so awaken the giant within by Tony, I believe that every single speaker out there is a celebrity that's waiting to launch themselves. Every celebrity is a star. And every speaker has the opportunity to be that star. They just need to awaken that person within them. Number two, I would say is karmic. management by gesha Michael Roach really awesome men new mentor in my life, someone who I've had the, the, you know the honor to share the stage with multiple times, karmic management's just something that I think every person on earth needs to know. But as a speaker, you need to understand what's going on. Because when you're sharing that much with so many people, karma does work. So think about what you're sharing, think about what you're giving them and think about what you're expecting back. And the third one, I would say, is a little bit on the spiritual side, but it's also something quite important to me. It's the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolly. And again, from a business point of view, from a networking point of view, the power of now is just being able to be in the present moment. And when I network with someone when I'm on stage with people, I'm here with you, I'm here with you as an audience. I'm not anywhere else. I'm not thinking about my business. I'm nothing but my wife. I'm not thinking about my my phone. What I need to do next, I'm not thinking about money. I'm thinking about delivering an amazing right now show a content for you, whatever it is, my objective is, I'm right here now with you. And Eckhart totally redid that for me. He taught me a lot about the power of now. And again, I've had the honor to meet him a few times and even more blessed. He's accepted my invitation to come to Russia this September 1 time ever in Russia. He's accepted an invitation is going to be in Russia when we are hosting his event. So I'll get to share the stage with one more of my heroes.

James Taylor One incredibly influential writer and an speaker as well. Yes. One I know a couple of people have spoken on this stage as well. Incredible, incredible person. So we'll put those links there as well. And a final question. If you woke up tomorrow morning and had to start from scratch, what would you do if you had to wake up tomorrow morning, you had no contacts, no one knew who you were. But you've had all the tools of your trade and all the knowledge you've acquired as a speaker as an entrepreneur. What would you do? How would you restart things?

Gil Petersil So you know, I'm gonna speak from real practical, you know, advice right here. I came to Singapore, I didn't know anyone, I had to start from scratch. So I'm talking as someone who's moved countries about every 10 years, I came here not knowing anyone. First thing I did is I looked up what events are happening and who the speakers are. And I started reaching out to the event organizers, I started trying to reach out to the speakers to see if I can just meet up with them. I looked at different networking events to try to understand from the local community, the strengths and weaknesses of the local community, what are people missing? What are people needing, I wasn't selling myself, I wasn't talking too much about who I am. It was more about asking them, who they are, what they're doing, where the pain is, and the local society where you are. And that really helped me to build relationship with it. The event organizer got me on a couple of stages when people say you know what, wow, like we don't need a speaker right now. But we Do I need a host and I became a host last week, there was a massive event here called Green is the New Black, which is all about lifestyle and organic industry and being a being a having a, you know, a kind of a healthy life and which is an industry that I love. And, you know, coincidentally actually used to be in that business itself. But they said, We don't need to speak about it. But if you want to host the whole event, you could. And I'm not a host, but why not? Because in between every speaker, I was able to engage the audience, get them to network, and basically build a brand for myself. And I did that for free one, because I didn't have anything else to do that weekend. It was a fun event, too. I managed to represent myself in front of 2000 people three, why not? It's a great way to give back and connect with the right people.

James Taylor Gil, thank you so much for coming on. Today's been an absolute pleasure. And Kira speaking to you today and hopefully we'll get a chance to hang out in Singapore or London or somewhere in the world. Once again. Thank you. It's always a pleasure speaking to you. I always get learned So many things and I look forward to catching up with you soon.

Gil Petersil Thank you very much James guys connect with Love Live with passion and enjoy speaking with others. Take care bye bye. Today's episode

James Taylor Today's episode was sponsored by speakers you the online community for speakers and if you're serious about your speaking career then you can join us because you membership program. I'll speak as you members receive private one on one coaching with me hundreds of hours of training content access to a global community to help them launch and build a profitable business around their speaking message and expertise. So just head over to to learn more.

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