@silentlink1 - What You Didn't Want To Learn About Your Mobile Phone. #280
Publisher |
Daniel Prince
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Sep 19, 2022
Episode Duration |

BTC $ 18,453

Today's guest on the show is @silentlink1 who joins me to tell you the dirtiest secret of the Telecommunications company and your mobile phones. Spoiler alert, #Bitcoin fixes this.   How did a career in big telco's radicalise @silentlink1 into thinking of ways to stop the snoop?   Why @silentlink1 fall down the #bitcoin rabbit hole and what service has he designed to help you gain your privacy back?   What is the next project @silentlink1 wants to start to help us become untraceable and ungovernable?

A huge thank you to @silentlink1 for coming on the show and for building such an important tool in the #bitcoin space!   Find Silent Link here: https://silent.link/ Pleb Service Announcement.

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