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Matthew interviews George Selgin, monetary economist and historian.
George gives a look-back at the repo meltdown in September 2019, as well as a deeper overview on the mechanics of the repo market. This has become more important in recent years, compared to the market for bank reserves ("Federal Funds" in US Fedspeak). Why?
He goes back to his favorite hobby horse (his term) which is the interest paid on those reserves by the central bank, an anomaly that never occurred before 2008, and how that has affected the entire structure of the system, from the size of the balance sheet, to the broader money markets, including the repo and Treasury markets.
George gives some latest thoughts on the growth of physical currency and the monetary base, and provides warning on the importance of such, due to the effects of interest on those bank reserves (the other part of the monetary base, along with physical currency).
We finish with some thoughts on CBDCs, and though we didn't have time to incorporate Bitcoin, we certainly will do so next time!
Listen on to learn more.
Links for more info:">https://www.alt-
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Hosts: Matthew Mežinskis, Michel, Alec Harris
Music: New Friend Music
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Bitcoin, privacy, cryptoeconomics & liberty
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