Concluding the tale of tragic Marie Stewart, a devoted mum of two, and hard-working teaching assistant, whose biggest mistake in life was to try and share the world of an individual whose ego only allowed room for thoughts about one person in it - himself.
Andrew Lindo.
He pursued multiple affairs with other women, sometimes overlapping ones, all to satisfy his own selfish needs, and one evening in December 2010, when Marie threatened to bring his house of cards crashing down, committed the ultimate horrific act to ensure that she couldnt, before embarking on a remarkable, devious, course of deception to conceal his crime.
As you will hear in this concluding part.
The episode contains details and descriptions of crimes and events that some listeners may find disturbing and or distressing, so discretion is advised whilst listening.
Music used in this episode:
"The Descent" by
Kevin Macleod. All music used is sourced from and used under an
Attribution Licence (
Playlist Tracks