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S4 Episode 7: Arsonists Who Murder
Podcast |
Which Murderer?
Publisher |
Which Murderer
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Society & Culture
True Crime
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True Crime
Publication Date |
Jul 23, 2021
Episode Duration |
In Season 4 Episode 7 the girls talk about Arsonists Who Commit Murder. Holly kicks things off with the very first namey Bruce George Peter Lee before Mel tells you all about John Leonard Orr.Shoutouts for Facebook fans Sarah and Mel’s new friend Dave. You are both now legally required to suggest topics. Mel’s singing talents are showcased, bouncy castles are a very important topic requiring actual research, Holly almost dies before recording because of her hair, the dark ages of information are discussed, Mel’s Murderer is a crime fighting hose user and the girls didn’t think through the theme this week. Like at all. Production, recording and postproduction completed by Holly who has become a little grumpy in the Scottish heat and screamed outside Consulting Producer Craig’s house for several hours when she lost her mind with the machines this week. Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Consulting Producer Craig who is now grumpy at having to spend so much money on noise cancelling headphones. www.whichmurderer.comWARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.Pre-recorded in Scotland

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