In Season 4 Episode 35 the girls tackle another listener suggestion and tell you about Hatecrime Murders. Holly starts with the sad story of Nikki Kuhnhausen before Mel tells you about the horrific murder of Matthew Shepard.Shoutout to Cheryl for this week’s suggestion! Also Caitlin who is a quickly rising superfan and Natalie who Holly is ‘real life many years’ friends with but has no recollection of HOW they became friends. Holly talks about her neverending flood curse, Mel talks about her neverending COVID curse, Holly is placed in a children’s chair and Mel reads like an old lady. The girls also get very ranty.Production, recording and post production completed by Holly who is too busy plugging holes in her ceiling to beg Consulting Producer Craig for help…she simply sends photos of herself crying now. Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Mel while Consulting Producer Craig slowly deletes the 76 photos he received from Holly.
www.whichmurderer.comWARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.Pre-recorded in Scotland