In Season 4 Episode 2 (Part Two) the girls finish talking about Journalists Who Are Murdered. Holly covers the twisty tale of Jake Lingle then there is a detailed debate. Mel kicks it all off by insulting an entire nation, Holly continues the mob theme from episode one despite hating mob murders, there is a big debate despite the method of murder being exactly the same in both cases, there is a discussion on all the mistakes in Hollys life and the girls are entering their seven year itch. Production, recording and post production completed by Holly who asked Consulting Producer Craig to help with the big button machine but he didn’t respond. Maybe the fax machine is broken. CHECK YOUR FAXES CRAIG.Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Producer Craig who as it turns out doesn’t own a fax machine. So rude.
www.whichmurderer.comWARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.Pre-recorded in Scotland