In Season 4 Episode 16 the girls talk about Melanies and Murder – our particular Melanie is excluded from this of course (for now). Mel kicks things off with the story of Melanie McGuire before Holly tells you the sad story of Melanie Ann Road. Shoutout for Superfan Carrie and thanks so much for your amazing suggestions….keep 'em coming!Mel contracts the Corona, Holly gives an update on the Murder Flat, Mel’s Melanie is a smart lady but the dumbest criminal ever made, Mel appears surprised Holly had a gun licence, the girls are going to definitely become a geography teachers and Mel is highly offended that Holly thinks she too would be a stupid criminal. Production, recording and postproduction completed by Holly who was sent photos by Gemma this week of her being kidnapped and taken to an Island in Scotland by Consulting Producer Craig. Holly edited this week. All complaints should be sent directly to Producer Craig who you’ll find hiding from Holly on a remote Scottish Island. Like that will stop her. Ha. Haha. Hahaha.
www.whichmurderer.comWARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.Pre-recorded in Scotland