In Season 3 Episode 3 – Holly and Gemma cover Sexually Motivated Murderers. Holly starts off with David Williams and his Canadian based murders. Gemma then goes over the story of Christopher Wilder…. which Holly almost covered as well. Despite being told clearly in writing that Gemma was covering it. Shoutouts for Superfan Natalie who left a lovely review and the quarantine episode from Fair City Podcast has dropped so Holly orders everyone to listen. is at war with pollen, Holly makes up a definition for something she looked up and still doesn’t understand, Holly does half a job on the go with her research and the girls really really don’t like what Holly’s murderer did with other people’s underwear. Production, recording and post production completed by Producer Craig who has developed a seventh sense to tell him when Holly is touching her microphone. Gemma mostly edited this week. All complaints should be sent to Producer Craig who is staring intently at a soap bubble he swears is his crystal ball.
www.whichmurderer.comWARNING - Explicit language, content and themes (plus whatever else will cover us legally). All opinions stated are our own and case information was gathered from legitimate sources within the public realm.Pre-recorded in Scotland 2KpqGtsYxw57KnPZn64Z