S2E3 - Spoilers Ahoy | This Sounds Serious (feat. Ely)
Publisher |
Gavin and Wil
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Categories Via RSS |
Entertainment News
Publication Date |
Feb 26, 2020
Episode Duration |

Friend of the show Elena Fernández Collins rejoins the show for a much more lighthearted topic: how awesome true crime parody series This Sound Series can be.

Seriously, this is basically just Gavin and Ely talking about why This Sound Serious slaps.

To support the production of TIDU (and hear your name in an upcoming episode) please check out https://www.patreon.com/gaving

For full show notes, links to the podcasts recommended, and transcripts please visit dialeduppodcast.wordpress.com

Music from https://filmmusic.io "Airport Lounge" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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