The story of Mauna Kea starts on an island in the Pacific — but it doesn’t end there. There are other sacred mountains. Sacred plains. Sacred forests. Today, the fights over all these places are becoming linked in ways that no one could have anticipated.
Why are Native Hawaiians facing charges for protests in South Dakota? Why are Apache from Arizona coming to sing their sacred songs to Mauna Kea? Offshore visits the Standing Rock Sioux and spends time with an Apache leader in Arizona to get a better understanding of why Native Hawaiians fighting the Thirty Meter Telescope say they are part of something much bigger. A growing movement that is uniting indigenous people across the globe to fight for the future of not just sacred places, but the planet at large.
The story of Mauna Kea starts on an island in the Pacific — but it doesn’t end there. There are other sacred mountains. Sacred plains. Sacred forests. Today, the fights over all these places are becoming linked in ways that no one could have anticipated.