Season 2 Ep 46: We want to buy an American Sports Franchise In our second episode this week Matt & Jon take the Wrexham approach and try to buy an American Sports franchise “to see how they like it”. Coincidentally there might be some unusual activity on the @GarySplashBB twitter account after listening to this week’s show (please help us and follow it!)Elsewhere… we discuss Bolton’s new stadium sponsor; We give away Jon’s 6 music pen and some other goodies to listeners and the boys discuss the fourth emergency service after we got a few emails: men with pick-up trucks. Plus we ask the important question: “Where are you getting your damp proof membranes?”Support the podcast by subscribing at for extra content. Ep 34 is our first live show and a bootleg copy is available to Another Slice subscribers. Send us any new format ideas or correspondence to: or tweet us @Comediansfpl. Follow the podcast on Twitter (@comediansfpl), Instagram (ComediansplayingFPL) and Facebook (@comediansfpl)Share, subscribe, AND PLEASE REVIEW!Join our FPL Fan League here:… League Code: 4r6j9k
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