Season 2 Ep 30: WORLD CUP SPECIAL 1: “DINNER WITH MOTHER” On the podcast this week Matt Forde & Jon Richardson discuss the first few days of the tournament and the big question on the nation’s lips: Did Jon watch it? Elsewhere the boys discuss a wonderful game of offensive Cameo, Matt reveals he’s already put up his Christmas decorations, there’s some confusion over a Slade lyric, a great ‘Onana - What’s My Name?’ and Jon reveals what one fan hilariously asked of him this week outside his tour venue. Support the podcast by subscribing at for extra content. Details for the live show are coming soon and tickets will be offered to Another Slice subscribers first. Send us any new format ideas or correspondence to: or tweet us @Comediansfpl. Follow the podcast on Twitter (@comediansfpl), Instagram (ComediansplayingFPL) and Facebook (@comediansfpl)Share, subscribe, AND PLEASE REVIEW!Join our FPL Fan League here:… League Code: 4r6j9kAND Listeners can get 20% off everything on Kirkstall Brewary’s online shop with the code CPFPL20. Visit the website - and click on Shop.
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